Correlación entre estimadores de MCO para intersección y pendiente


En un modelo de regresión simple,


los estimadores MCO betaβ^0OLS y ββ^1OLS están correlacionados.

La fórmula para la correlación entre los dos estimadores es (si la he derivado correctamente):



  1. ¿Cuál es la explicación intuitiva de la presencia de correlación?
  2. ¿La presencia de correlación tiene implicaciones importantes?

Se editó la publicación y se eliminó la afirmación de que la correlación se desvanece con el tamaño de la muestra. (Gracias a @whuber y @ChristophHanck.)

La fórmula es correcta, pero ¿podría explicar qué asintóticos está utilizando? Después de todo, en muchos casos la correlación no desaparece, se estabiliza. Considere, por ejemplo , un experimento en el que xi es binario y suponga que los datos se recopilan alternando xi entre 1 y 0 . Entonces xi=xi2n/2 y la correlación siempre estará cerca de , no importa lo grande quense hace. 2/20norte

Yo diría que sólo se desvanece si : escribir Corr ( β O L S 0 , β O L S 1 ) = - 1E(X)=0 0que se reduce a-E(X)/
Corr(β^0 0OLS,β^1OLS)=-1norteyo=1norteXyonorteyo=1norteXyo2norte2=-1norteyo=1norteXyoyo=1norteXyo2norte,
. -mi(X)/ /mi(X2)
Christoph Hanck

De hecho, me perdí una cuando derivaba el comportamiento de la correlación a medida que n aumenta. Entonces Whuber y ChristophHanck están en lo correcto. Todavía estoy interesado en una explicación intuitiva de por qué la correlación no es cero en primer lugar, y cualquier implicación útil . (Yo no decir la correlación debería intuitivamente ser cero, simplemente no tengo la intuición aquí.)nnorte
Richard Hardy

Su fórmula muestra claramente, por ejemplo, que para un regresor centrado en la media , la correlación con la intersección desaparece. x
Michael M



Permítanme probarlo de la siguiente manera (realmente no estoy seguro si eso es intuición útil):

Basado en mi comentario anterior, la correlación será aproximadamente Por lo tanto, siE(X)>0 enlugar deE(X)=0, la mayoría de los datos se agruparán a la derecha de cero. Por lo tanto, si el coeficiente de la pendiente se hace más grande, la fórmula de correlación afirma que la intersección debe hacerse más pequeña, lo que tiene sentido.


Estoy pensando en algo como esto:

En la muestra azul, la estimación de la pendiente es más plana, lo que significa que la estimación de la intersección puede ser mayor. La pendiente de la muestra dorada es algo mayor, por lo que la intersección puede ser algo menor para compensar esto.

ingrese la descripción de la imagen aquí

Por otro lado, si , podemos tener cualquier pendiente sin restricciones en la intersección.E(X)=0

El denominador de la fórmula también se puede interpretar a lo largo de estas líneas: si, para una media dada, la variabilidad medida por aumenta, los datos se difuminan sobre el eje x , de modo que efectivamente "se ve" más de media-lleve a cero, aflojar las restricciones en la intersección de un medio dado de X .E(X2)xX

Aquí está el código, que espero explique completamente la figura:

n <- 30
x_1 <- sort(runif(n,2,3))
beta <- 2
y_1 <- x_1*beta + rnorm(n) # the golden sample

x_2 <- sort(runif(n,2,3)) 
beta <- 2
y_2 <- x_2*beta + rnorm(n) # the blue sample

xax <- seq(-1,3,by=.001)
lines(xax,beta*xax) # the "true" regression line

Para una implicación práctica, considere el desarrollo y uso de una curva de calibración para un instrumento de laboratorio. Para desarrollar la calibración, se prueban los valores conocidos de con el instrumento y se miden los valores de salida y del instrumento , seguidos de una regresión lineal. Luego, se aplica una muestra desconocida al instrumento, y el nuevo valor y se usa para predecir la x desconocida en función de la calibración de regresión lineal. El análisis de error de la estimación de la x desconocida implicaría la correlación entre las estimaciones de la pendiente de regresión y la intercepción. XyyXX


Es posible que desee seguir la Introducción a la Econometría de Dougherty , quizás considerando por ahora que es una variable no estocástica, y definiendo la desviación cuadrada media de x como MSD ( x ) = 1XX. Tenga en cuenta que el MSD se mide en el cuadrado de las unidades dex(por ejemplo, sixestá encm,entonces el MSD está encm2), mientras que la desviación cuadrática media raíz,RMSD(x)=MSD(x)=1ni=1n(xix¯)2xxcmcm2 está en la escala original. Esto produceRMSD(x)=MSD(x)


Esto debería ayudarlo a ver cómo la correlación se ve afectada tanto por la media de (en particular, la correlación entre sus estimadores de pendiente e intercepción se elimina si la variable x está centrada) y también por su propagación . (¡Esta descomposición también podría haber hecho las asintóticas más obvias!)xx

Reiteraré la importancia de este resultado: si no tiene media cero, podemos transformarlo restando ˉ x para que ahora esté centrado. Si ajustamos una línea de regresión de y en x - ˉ x, las estimaciones de pendiente e intersección no están correlacionadas: una subestimación o sobreestimación en una no tiende a producir una subestimación o sobreestimación en la otra. ¡Pero esta línea de regresión es simplemente una traducción de la línea de regresión y en x ! El error estándar de la intersección de la y en x - ˉ x línea es simplemente una medida de la incertidumbre de yxx¯yxx¯yxyxx¯y^cuando tu variable traducida ; cuando esa línea se traduce de nuevo a su posición original, este vuelve a ser el error estándar de y en x = ˉ x . Más en general, el error estándar de y en cualquier x valor es sólo el error estándar de la intersección de la regresión de y en una forma apropiada traducidas x ; el error estándar de y en x = 0 es por supuesto el error estándar de la intersección en la regresión original, sin traducir.xx¯=0 0y^x=x¯y^xyxy^x=0

Dado que podemos traducir , en cierto sentido, no hay nada de especial en x = 0 y por lo tanto nada de especial β 0 . Con un poco de pensamiento, lo que voy a decir obras para y en cualquier valor de x , que es útil si usted está buscando una idea de los intervalos de confianza por ejemplo, para respuestas medias de la línea de regresión. Sin embargo, hemos visto que no es algo especial y en x = ˉ x , porque es aquí que los errores en la altura estimada de la línea de regresión - que por supuesto es estimado enxx=0β^0y^xy^x=x¯y¯ — and errors in the estimated slope of the regression line have nothing to do with one another. Your estimated intercept is β^0=y¯β^1x¯ and errors in its estimation must stem either from the estimation of y¯ or the estimation of β^1 (since we regarded x as non-stochastic); now we know these two sources of error are uncorrelated it is clear algebraically why there should be a negative correlation between estimated slope and intercept (overestimating slope will tend to underestimate intercept, so long as x¯<0) but a positive correlation between estimated intercept and estimated mean response y^=y¯ at x=x¯. But can see such relationships without algebra too.

(x¯,y¯). We have just seen that there are two essentially unrelated uncertainties in the location of this line, which I visualise kinaesthetically as the "twanging" uncertainty and the "parallel sliding" uncertainty. Before you twang the ruler, hold it at (x¯,y¯) as a pivot, then give it a hearty twang related to your uncertainty in the slope. The ruler will have a good wobble, more violently so if you are very uncertain about the slope (indeed, a previously positive slope will quite possibly be rendered negative if your uncertainty is large) but note that the height of the regression line at x=x¯ is unchanged by this kind of uncertainty, and the effect of the twang is more noticeable the further from the mean that you look.

Para "deslizar" la regla, sujétela firmemente y muévala hacia arriba y hacia abajo, teniendo cuidado de mantenerla paralela a su posición original, ¡no cambie la pendiente! Cuán vigorosamente moverlo hacia arriba y hacia abajo depende de cuán inseguro esté sobre la altura de la línea de regresión a medida que pasa por el punto medio; pensar en cuál sería el error estándar de la intersección six had been translated so that the y-axis passed through the mean point. Alternatively, since the estimated height of the regression line here is simply y¯, it is also the standard error of y¯. Note that this kind of "sliding" uncertainty affects all points on the regression line in an equal manner, unlike the "twang".

These two uncertainties apply independently (well, uncorrelatedly, but if we assume normally distributed error terms then they should be technically independent) so the heights y^ of all points on your regression line are affected by a "twanging" uncertainty which is zero at the mean and gets worse away from it, and a "sliding" uncertainty which is the same everywhere. (Can you see the relationship with the regression confidence intervals that I promised earlier, particularly how their width is narrowest at x¯?)

y^x=0β^0x¯x=0x¯MSD(x)+x¯2x¯ is positive. Conversely, if x¯ is the left of x=0 you will see that a higher estimated slope tends to increase our estimated intercept, consistent with the positive correlation your equation predicts when x¯ is negative. Note that if x¯ is a long way from zero, the extrapolation of a regression line of uncertain gradient out towards the y-axis becomes increasingly precarious (the amplitude of the "twang" worsens away from the mean). The "twanging" error in the β^1x¯ term will massively outweigh the "sliding" error in the y¯ term, so the error in β^0 is almost entirely determined by any error in β^1. As you can easily verify algebraically, if we take x¯± without changing the MSD or the standard deviation of errors su, the correlation between β^0 and β^1 tends to 1.

Simulated slopes and intercepts

To illustrate this (You may want to right-click on the image and save it, or view it full-size in a new tab if that option is available to you) I have chosen to consider repeated samplings of yi=5+2xi+ui, where uiN(0,102) are i.i.d., over a fixed set of x values with x¯=10, so E(y¯)=25. In this set-up, there is a fairly strong negative correlation between estimated slope and intercept, and a weaker positive correlation between y¯, the estimated mean response at x=x¯, and estimated intercept. The animation shows several simulated samples, with sample (gold) regression line drawn over the true (black) regression line. The second row shows what the collection of estimated regression lines would have looked like if there were error only in the estimated y¯ and the slopes matched the true slope ("sliding" error); then, if there were error only in the slopes and y¯ matched its population value ("twanging" error); and finally, what the collection of estimated lines actually looked like, when both sources of error were combined. These have been colour-coded by the size of the actually estimated intercept (not the intercepts shown on the first two graphs where one of the sources of error has been eliminated) from blue for low intercepts to red for high intercepts. Note that from the colours alone we can see that samples with low y¯ tended to produce lower estimated intercepts, as did samples with high estimated slopes. The next row shows the simulated (histogram) and theoretical (normal curve) sampling distributions of the estimates, and the final row shows scatter plots between them. Observe how there is no correlation between y¯ and estimated slope, a negative correlation between estimated intercept and slope, and a positive correlation between intercept and y¯.

What is the MSD doing in the denominator of x¯MSD(x)+x¯2? Spreading out the range of x values you measure over is well-known to allow you to estimate the slope more precisely, and the intuition is clear from a sketch, but it does not let you estimate y¯ any better. I suggest you visualise taking the MSD to near zero (i.e. sampling points only very near the mean of x), so that your uncertainty in the slope becomes massive: think great big twangs, but with no change to your sliding uncertainty. If your y-axis is any distance from x¯ (in other words, if x¯0) you will find that uncertainty in your intercept becomes utterly dominated by the slope-related twanging error. In contrast, if you increase the spread of your x measurements, without changing the mean, you will massively improve the precision of your slope estimate and need only take the gentlest of twangs to your line. The height of your intercept is now dominated by your sliding uncertainty, which has nothing to do with your estimated slope. This tallies with the algebraic fact that the correlation between estimated slope and intercept tends to zero as MSD(x)± and, when x¯0, towards ±1 (the sign is the opposite of the sign of x¯) as MSD(x)0.

Correlation of slope and intercept estimators was a function of both x¯ and the MSD (or RMSD) of x, so how do their relative contributions weight up? Actually, all that matters is the ratio of x¯ to the RMSD of x. A geometric intuition is that the RMSD gives us a kind of "natural unit" for x; if we rescale the x-axis using wi=xi/RMSD(x) then this is a horizontal stretch that leaves the estimated intercept and y¯ unchanged, gives us a new RMSD(w)=1, and multiplies the estimated slope by the RMSD of x. The formula for the correlation between the new slope and intercept estimators is in terms only of RMSD(w), which is one, and w¯, which is the ratio x¯RMSD(x). As the intercept estimate was unchanged, and the slope estimate merely multiplied by a positive constant, then the correlation between them has not changed: hence the correlation between the original slope and intercept must also only depend on x¯RMSD(x). Algebraically we can see this by dividing top and bottom of x¯MSD(x)+x¯2 by RMSD(x) to obtain Corr(β^0,β^1)=(x¯/RMSD(x))1+(x¯/RMSD(x))2.

To find the correlation between β^0 and y¯, consider Cov(β^0,y¯)=Cov(y¯β^1x¯,y¯). By bilinearity of Cov this is Cov(y¯,y¯)x¯Cov(β^1,y¯). The first term is Var(y¯)=σu2n while the second term we established earlier to be zero. From this we deduce


So this correlation also depends only on the ratio x¯RMSD(x). Note that the squares of Corr(β^0,β^1) and Corr(β^0,y¯) sum to one: we expect this since all sampling variation (for fixed x) in β^0 is due either to variation in β^1 or to variation in y¯, and these sources of variation are uncorrelated with each other. Here is a plot of the correlations against the ratio x¯RMSD(x).

Correlation of intercept and slope, and intercept and mean y, against ratio of mean x to RMSD

The plot clearly shows how when x¯ is high relative to the RMSD, errors in the intercept estimate are largely due to errors in the slope estimate and the two are closely correlated, whereas when x¯ is low relative to the RMSD, it is error in the estimation of y¯ that predominates, and the relationship between intercept and slope is weaker. Note that the correlation of intercept with slope is an odd function of the ratio x¯RMSD(x), so its sign depends on the sign of x¯ and it is zero if x¯=0, whereas the correlation of intercept with y¯ is always positive and is an even function of the ratio, i.e. it doesn't matter what side of the y-axis that x¯ is. The correlations are equal in magnitude if x¯ is one RMSD away from the y-axis, when Corr(β^0,y¯)=120.707 and Corr(β^0,β^1)=±12±0.707 where the sign is opposite that of x¯. In the example in the simulation above, x¯=10 and RMSD(x)5.16 so the mean was about 1.93 RMSDs from the y-axis; at this ratio, the correlation between intercept and slope is stronger, but the correlation between intercept and y¯ is still not negligible.

As an aside, I like to think of the formula for the standard error of the intercept,


as sliding error+twanging error, and ditto for the formula for the standard error of y^ at x=x0 (used for confidence intervals for the mean response, and of which the intercept is just a special case as I explained earlier via a translation argument),


R code for plots


#This saves a GIF so you may want to change your working directory
#animation package requires ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick on computer
#You might only want to run up to the "STATIC PLOTS" section
#The static plot does not save a file, so need to change directory.

#Change as desired
simulations <- 100 #how many samples to draw and regress on
xvalues <- c(2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18) #used in all regressions
su <- 10 #standard deviation of error term
beta0 <- 5 #true intercept
beta1 <- 2 #true slope
plotAlpha <- 1/5 #transparency setting for charts
interceptPalette <- colorRampPalette(c(rgb(0,0,1,plotAlpha),
            rgb(1,0,0,plotAlpha)), alpha = TRUE)(100) #intercept color range
animationFrames <- 20 #how many samples to include in animation

#Consequences of previous choices
n <- length(xvalues) #sample size
meanX <- mean(xvalues) #same for all regressions
msdX <- sum((xvalues - meanX)^2)/n #Mean Square Deviation
minX <- min(xvalues)
maxX <- max(xvalues)
animationFrames <- min(simulations, animationFrames)

#Theoretical properties of estimators
expectedMeanY <- beta0 + beta1 * meanX
sdMeanY <- su / sqrt(n) #standard deviation of mean of Y (i.e. Y hat at mean x)
sdSlope <- sqrt(su^2 / (n * msdX))
sdIntercept <- sqrt(su^2 * (1/n + meanX^2 / (n * msdX)))

data.df <- data.frame(regression = rep(1:simulations, each=n),
                      x = rep(xvalues, times = simulations))

data.df$y <- beta0 + beta1*data.df$x + rnorm(n*simulations, mean = 0, sd = su) 

regressionOutput <- function(i){ #i is the index of the regression simulation
  i.df <- data.df[data.df$regression == i,]
  i.lm <- lm(y ~ x, i.df)
  return(c(i, mean(i.df$y), coef(summary(i.lm))["x", "Estimate"],
          coef(summary(i.lm))["(Intercept)", "Estimate"]))

estimates.df <-, regressionOutput)))
colnames(estimates.df) <- c("Regression", "MeanY", "Slope", "Intercept")

perc.rank <- function(x) ceiling(100*rank(x)/length(x))
rank.text <- function(x) ifelse(x < 50, paste("bottom", paste0(x, "%")), 
                                paste("top", paste0(101 - x, "%")))
estimates.df$percMeanY <- perc.rank(estimates.df$MeanY)
estimates.df$percSlope <- perc.rank(estimates.df$Slope)
estimates.df$percIntercept <- perc.rank(estimates.df$Intercept)
estimates.df$percTextMeanY <- paste("Mean Y", 
estimates.df$percTextSlope <- paste("Slope",
estimates.df$percTextIntercept <- paste("Intercept",

#data frame of extreme points to size plot axes correctly
extremes.df <- data.frame(x = c(min(minX,0), max(maxX,0)),
              y = c(min(beta0, min(data.df$y)), max(beta0, max(data.df$y))))



#first draw empty plot to reasonable plot size
with(extremes.df, plot(x,y, type="n", main = "Estimated Mean Y"))
invisible(mapply(function(a,b,c) { abline(a, b, col=c) }, 
                 estimates.df$Intercept, beta1, 

with(extremes.df, plot(x,y, type="n", main = "Estimated Slope"))
invisible(mapply(function(a,b,c) { abline(a, b, col=c) }, 
                 expectedMeanY - estimates.df$Slope * meanX, estimates.df$Slope, 

with(extremes.df, plot(x,y, type="n", main = "Estimated Intercept"))
invisible(mapply(function(a,b,c) { abline(a, b, col=c) }, 
                 estimates.df$Intercept, estimates.df$Slope, 

with(estimates.df, hist(MeanY, freq=FALSE, main = "Histogram of Mean Y",
                        ylim=c(0, 1.3*dnorm(0, mean=0, sd=sdMeanY))))
curve(dnorm(x, mean=expectedMeanY, sd=sdMeanY), lwd=2, add=TRUE)

with(estimates.df, hist(Slope, freq=FALSE, 
                        ylim=c(0, 1.3*dnorm(0, mean=0, sd=sdSlope))))
curve(dnorm(x, mean=beta1, sd=sdSlope), lwd=2, add=TRUE)

with(estimates.df, hist(Intercept, freq=FALSE, 
                        ylim=c(0, 1.3*dnorm(0, mean=0, sd=sdIntercept))))
curve(dnorm(x, mean=beta0, sd=sdIntercept), lwd=2, add=TRUE)

with(estimates.df, plot(MeanY, Slope, pch = 16,  col = rgb(0,0,0,plotAlpha), 
                        main = "Scatter of Slope vs Mean Y"))

with(estimates.df, plot(Slope, Intercept, pch = 16, col = rgb(0,0,0,plotAlpha),
                        main = "Scatter of Intercept vs Slope"))

with(estimates.df, plot(Intercept, MeanY, pch = 16, col = rgb(0,0,0,plotAlpha),
                        main = "Scatter of Mean Y vs Intercept"))


makeplot <- function(){for (i in 1:animationFrames) {


  iMeanY <- estimates.df$MeanY[i]
  iSlope <- estimates.df$Slope[i]
  iIntercept <- estimates.df$Intercept[i]

  with(extremes.df, plot(x,y, type="n", main = paste("Simulated dataset", i)))
  with(data.df[data.df$regression==i,], points(x,y))
  abline(beta0, beta1, lwd = 2)
  abline(iIntercept, iSlope, lwd = 2, col="gold")
  title(main = "Parameter Estimates")
  text(x=0.5, y=c(0.9, 0.5, 0.1), labels = c(
    paste("Mean Y =", round(iMeanY, digits = 2), "True =", expectedMeanY),
    paste("Slope =", round(iSlope, digits = 2), "True =", beta1),
    paste("Intercept =", round(iIntercept, digits = 2), "True =", beta0)))
  title(main = "Percentile Ranks")
  with(estimates.df, text(x=0.5, y=c(0.9, 0.5, 0.1),
                          labels = c(percTextMeanY[i], percTextSlope[i],

  #first draw empty plot to reasonable plot size
  with(extremes.df, plot(x,y, type="n", main = "Estimated Mean Y"))
  invisible(mapply(function(a,b,c) { abline(a, b, col=c) }, 
                   estimates.df$Intercept, beta1, 
  abline(iIntercept, beta1, lwd = 2, col="gold")

  with(extremes.df, plot(x,y, type="n", main = "Estimated Slope"))
  invisible(mapply(function(a,b,c) { abline(a, b, col=c) }, 
                expectedMeanY - estimates.df$Slope * meanX, estimates.df$Slope, 
  abline(expectedMeanY - iSlope * meanX, iSlope,
         lwd = 2, col="gold")

  with(extremes.df, plot(x,y, type="n", main = "Estimated Intercept"))
  invisible(mapply(function(a,b,c) { abline(a, b, col=c) }, 
                   estimates.df$Intercept, estimates.df$Slope, 
  abline(iIntercept, iSlope, lwd = 2, col="gold")

  with(estimates.df, hist(MeanY, freq=FALSE, main = "Histogram of Mean Y",
                          ylim=c(0, 1.3*dnorm(0, mean=0, sd=sdMeanY))))
  curve(dnorm(x, mean=expectedMeanY, sd=sdMeanY), lwd=2, add=TRUE)
  lines(x=c(iMeanY, iMeanY),
        y=c(0, dnorm(iMeanY, mean=expectedMeanY, sd=sdMeanY)),
        lwd = 2, col = "gold")

  with(estimates.df, hist(Slope, freq=FALSE, 
                          ylim=c(0, 1.3*dnorm(0, mean=0, sd=sdSlope))))
  curve(dnorm(x, mean=beta1, sd=sdSlope), lwd=2, add=TRUE)
  lines(x=c(iSlope, iSlope), y=c(0, dnorm(iSlope, mean=beta1, sd=sdSlope)),
        lwd = 2, col = "gold")

  with(estimates.df, hist(Intercept, freq=FALSE, 
                          ylim=c(0, 1.3*dnorm(0, mean=0, sd=sdIntercept))))
  curve(dnorm(x, mean=beta0, sd=sdIntercept), lwd=2, add=TRUE)
  lines(x=c(iIntercept, iIntercept),
        y=c(0, dnorm(iIntercept, mean=beta0, sd=sdIntercept)),
        lwd = 2, col = "gold")

  with(estimates.df, plot(MeanY, Slope, pch = 16,  col = rgb(0,0,0,plotAlpha), 
                          main = "Scatter of Slope vs Mean Y"))
  points(x = iMeanY, y = iSlope, pch = 16, col = "gold")

  with(estimates.df, plot(Slope, Intercept, pch = 16, col = rgb(0,0,0,plotAlpha),
                          main = "Scatter of Intercept vs Slope"))
  points(x = iSlope, y = iIntercept, pch = 16, col = "gold")

  with(estimates.df, plot(Intercept, MeanY, pch = 16, col = rgb(0,0,0,plotAlpha),
                          main = "Scatter of Mean Y vs Intercept"))
  points(x = iIntercept, y = iMeanY, pch = 16, col = "gold")


saveGIF(makeplot(), interval = 4, ani.width = 500, ani.height = 600)

For the plot of correlation versus ratio of x¯ to RMSD:


numberOfPoints <- 200
data.df  <- data.frame(
  ratio = rep(seq(from=-10, to=10, length=numberOfPoints), times=2),
  between = rep(c("Slope", "MeanY"), each=numberOfPoints))
data.df$correlation <- with(data.df, ifelse(between=="Slope",

ggplot(data.df, aes(x=ratio, y=correlation, group=factor(between),
                    colour=factor(between))) +
  theme_bw() + 
  geom_line(size=1.5) +
  scale_colour_brewer(name="Correlation between", palette="Set1",
                      labels=list(expression(hat(beta[0])*" and "*bar(y)),
                              expression(hat(beta[0])*" and "*hat(beta[1])))) +
  theme(legend.key = element_blank()) +
  ggtitle(expression("Correlation of intercept estimates with slope and "*bar(y))) +
  xlab(expression("Ratio of "*bar(X)/"RMSD(X)")) +

"Twang" y "slide" son mis términos. Esta es mi propia intuición visual, y nunca la he visto en ningún libro de texto, aunque las ideas básicas aquí son todas material estándar. ¡Dios sabe si hay un nombre más técnico que "twang" y "slide"! Basé esta respuesta, de memoria, en una respuesta a una pregunta relacionada que nunca pude terminar y publicar. Eso tenía gráficos más instructivos, que (si puedo rastrear el código R en mi computadora vieja, o encontrar el tiempo para reproducir) agregaré.

¡Vaya trabajo! ¡Muchas gracias! Ahora mi comprensión debe estar en una forma mucho mejor.
Richard Hardy

@ RichardHardy He puesto una animación de simulación, que debería aclarar un poco las cosas.
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