Implementé un FFT radix-4 de 4 puntos y descubrí que necesito hacer alguna manipulación de los términos de salida para que coincida con un dft.
Mi código es una implementación bastante directa de la formulación de matriz, así que no tengo claro cuál es el problema.
// |
// radix-4 butterfly matrix form | complex multiplication
// |
// +- -+ +- -+ | a+ib
// X[0] = | 1 1 1 1 | |x[0]| | * c+id
// X[1] = | 1 -i -1 i | |x[1]| | -------
// X[2] = | 1 -1 1 -1 | |x[2]| | ac + ibc
// X[3] = | 1 i -1 -i | |x[3]| | iad - bd
// +- -+ +- -+ | ------------------
// | (ac-bd) + i(bc+ad)
// |
¿Alguien puede ver dónde me equivoqué?
typedef double fp; // base floating-point type
// naiive N-point DFT implementation as reference to check fft implementation against
void dft(int inv, struct cfp *x, struct cfp *y, int N) {
long int i, j;
struct cfp w;
fp ang;
for(i=0; i<N; i++) { // do N-point FFT/IFFT
y[i].r = y[i].i = 0;
if (inv) ang = 2*PI*(fp)i/(fp)N;
else ang = -2*PI*(fp)i/(fp)N;
for (j=0; j<N; j++) {
w.r = cos(j*ang);
w.i = sin(j*ang);
y[i].r += (x[j].r * w.r - x[j].i * w.i);
y[i].i += (x[j].r * w.i + x[j].i * w.r);
// scale output in the case of an IFFT
if (inv) {
for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
y[i].r = y[i].r/(fp)N;
y[i].i = y[i].i/(fp)N;
} // dft()
void r4fft4(int inv, int reorder, struct cfp *x, struct cfp *y) {
struct cfp x1[4], w[4];
fp ang, temp;
int i;
// |
// radix-4 butterfly matrix form | complex multiplication
// |
// +- -+ +- -+ | a+ib
// y[0] = | 1 1 1 1 | |x[0]| | * c+id
// y[1] = | 1 -i -1 i | |x[1]| | -------
// y[2] = | 1 -1 1 -1 | |x[2]| | ac + ibc
// y[3] = | 1 i -1 -i | |x[3]| | iad - bd
// +- -+ +- -+ | ------------------
// | (ac-bd) + i(bc+ad)
// |
if (inv) ang = 2*PI/(fp)4; // invert sign for IFFT
else ang = -2*PI/(fp)4;
w[1].r = cos(ang*1); w[1].i = sin(ang*1); // twiddle1 = exp(-2*pi/4 * 1);
w[2].r = cos(ang*2); w[2].i = sin(ang*2); // twiddle2 = exp(-2*pi/4 * 2);
w[3].r = cos(ang*3); w[3].i = sin(ang*3); // twiddle3 = exp(-2*pi/4 * 3);
// *1 *1 *1 *1
y[0].r = x[0].r + x[1].r + x[2].r + x[3].r;
y[0].i = x[0].i + x[1].i + x[2].i + x[3].i;
// *1 *-i *-1 *i
x1[1].r = x[0].r + x[1].i - x[2].r - x[3].i;
x1[1].i = x[0].i - x[1].r - x[2].i + x[3].r;
// *1 *-1 *1 *-1
x1[2].r = x[0].r - x[1].r + x[2].r - x[3].r;
x1[2].i = x[0].i - x[1].i + x[2].i - x[3].i;
// *1 *i *-1 *-i
x1[3].r = x[0].r - x[1].i - x[2].r + x[3].i;
x1[3].i = x[0].i + x[1].r - x[2].i - x[3].r;
y[1].r = x1[1].r*w[1].r - x1[1].i*w[1].i; // scale radix-4 output
y[1].i = x1[1].i*w[1].r + x1[1].r*w[1].i;
y[2].r = x1[2].r*w[2].r - x1[2].i*w[2].i; // scale radix-4 output
y[2].i = x1[2].i*w[2].r + x1[2].r*w[2].i;
y[3].r = x1[3].r*w[3].r - x1[3].i*w[3].i; // scale radix-4 output
y[3].i = x1[3].i*w[3].r + x1[3].r*w[3].i;
// reorder output stage ... mystery as to why I need this
if (reorder) {
temp = y[1].r;
y[1].r = -1*y[1].i;
y[1].i = temp;
y[2].r = -1*y[2].r;
temp = y[3].r;
y[3].r = y[3].i;
y[3].i = -1*temp;
// scale output for inverse FFT
if (inv) {
for (i=0; i<4; i++) { // scale output by 1/N for IFFT
y[i].r = y[i].r/(fp)4;
y[i].i = y[i].i/(fp)4;
} // r4fft4()