Creo que lo arreglé. ¡Trabaja para archivos de entrada actuales y tiene las siguientes 2 funciones para hacer esto!
función format_phone_number:
function format_phone_number ( $mynum, $mask ) {
/* Purpose: Return either masked phone number or false */
/* Masks: Val=1 or xxx xxx xxxx */
/* Val=2 or xxx xxx.xxxx */
/* Val=3 or */
/* Val=4 or (xxx) xxx xxxx */
/* Val=5 or (xxx) xxx.xxxx */
/* Val=6 or (xxx).xxx.xxxx */
/* Val=7 or (xxx) xxx-xxxx */
/* Val=8 or (xxx)-xxx-xxxx */
$val_num = self::validate_phone_number ( $mynum );
if ( !$val_num && !is_string ( $mynum ) ) {
echo "Number $mynum is not a valid phone number! \n";
return false;
} // end if !$val_num
if ( ( $mask == 1 ) || ( $mask == 'xxx xxx xxxx' ) ) {
$phone = preg_replace('~.*(\d{3})[^\d]*(\d{3})[^\d]*(\d{4}).*~',
'$1 $2 $3'." \n", $mynum);
return $phone;
} // end if $mask == 1
if ( ( $mask == 2 ) || ( $mask == 'xxx xxx.xxxx' ) ) {
$phone = preg_replace('~.*(\d{3})[^\d]*(\d{3})[^\d]*(\d{4}).*~',
'$1 $2.$3'." \n", $mynum);
return $phone;
} // end if $mask == 2
if ( ( $mask == 3 ) || ( $mask == '' ) ) {
$phone = preg_replace('~.*(\d{3})[^\d]*(\d{3})[^\d]*(\d{4}).*~',
'$1.$2.$3'." \n", $mynum);
return $phone;
} // end if $mask == 3
if ( ( $mask == 4 ) || ( $mask == '(xxx) xxx xxxx' ) ) {
$phone = preg_replace('~.*(\d{3})[^\d]*(\d{3})[^\d]*(\d{4}).*~',
'($1) $2 $3'." \n", $mynum);
return $phone;
} // end if $mask == 4
if ( ( $mask == 5 ) || ( $mask == '(xxx) xxx.xxxx' ) ) {
$phone = preg_replace('~.*(\d{3})[^\d]*(\d{3})[^\d]*(\d{4}).*~',
'($1) $2.$3'." \n", $mynum);
return $phone;
} // end if $mask == 5
if ( ( $mask == 6 ) || ( $mask == '(xxx).xxx.xxxx' ) ) {
$phone = preg_replace('~.*(\d{3})[^\d]*(\d{3})[^\d]*(\d{4}).*~',
'($1).$2.$3'." \n", $mynum);
return $phone;
} // end if $mask == 6
if ( ( $mask == 7 ) || ( $mask == '(xxx) xxx-xxxx' ) ) {
$phone = preg_replace('~.*(\d{3})[^\d]*(\d{3})[^\d]*(\d{4}).*~',
'($1) $2-$3'." \n", $mynum);
return $phone;
} // end if $mask == 7
if ( ( $mask == 8 ) || ( $mask == '(xxx)-xxx-xxxx' ) ) {
$phone = preg_replace('~.*(\d{3})[^\d]*(\d{3})[^\d]*(\d{4}).*~',
'($1)-$2-$3'." \n", $mynum);
return $phone;
} // end if $mask == 8
return false; // Returns false if no conditions meet or input
} // end function format_phone_number
función validate_phone_number:
function validate_phone_number ( $phone ) {
/* Purpose: To determine if the passed string is a valid phone */
/* number following one of the establish formatting */
/* styles for phone numbers. This function also breaks */
/* a valid number into it's respective components of: */
/* 3-digit area code, */
/* 3-digit exchange code, */
/* 4-digit subscriber number */
/* and validates the number against 10 digit US NANPA */
/* guidelines. */
$format_pattern = '/^(?:(?:\((?=\d{3}\)))?(\d{3})(?:(?<=\(\d{3})\))'.
$nanpa_pattern = '/^(?:1)?(?(?!(37|96))[2-9][0-8][0-9](?<!(11)))?'.
// Init array of variables to false
$valid = array('format' => false,
'nanpa' => false,
'ext' => false,
'all' => false);
//Check data against the format analyzer
if ( preg_match ( $format_pattern, $phone, $matchset ) ) {
$valid['format'] = true;
//If formatted properly, continue
//if($valid['format']) {
if ( !$valid['format'] ) {
return false;
} else {
//Set array of new components
$components = array ( 'ac' => $matchset[1], //area code
'xc' => $matchset[2], //exchange code
'sn' => $matchset[3] //subscriber number
// $components = array ( 'ac' => $matchset[1], //area code
// 'xc' => $matchset[2], //exchange code
// 'sn' => $matchset[3], //subscriber number
// 'xn' => $matchset[4] //extension number
// );
//Set array of number variants
$numbers = array ( 'original' => $matchset[0],
'stripped' => substr(preg_replace('[\D]', '', $matchset[0]), 0, 10)
//Now let's check the first ten digits against NANPA standards
if(preg_match($nanpa_pattern, $numbers['stripped'])) {
$valid['nanpa'] = true;
//If the NANPA guidelines have been met, continue
if ( $valid['nanpa'] ) {
if ( !empty ( $components['xn'] ) ) {
if ( preg_match ( '/^[\d]{1,6}$/', $components['xn'] ) ) {
$valid['ext'] = true;
} // end if if preg_match
} else {
$valid['ext'] = true;
} // end if if !empty
} // end if $valid nanpa
//If the extension number is valid or non-existent, continue
if ( $valid['ext'] ) {
$valid['all'] = true;
} // end if $valid ext
} // end if $valid
return $valid['all'];
} // end functon validate_phone_number
Observe que tengo esto en una clase lib, por lo que la llamada "self :: validate_phone_number" de la primera función / método.
Observe la línea # 32 de la función "validate_phone_number" donde agregué:
if ( !$valid['format'] ) {
return false;
} else {
para obtener la devolución falsa necesaria si no es un número de teléfono válido.
Todavía necesito probar esto con más datos, pero trabajando con datos actuales, con el formato actual y estoy usando el estilo '8' para este lote de datos en particular.
También comenté la lógica de la "extensión", ya que constantemente recibía errores, ya que no tengo ninguna de esa información en mis datos.