Sea f una función booleana en n bits. Sea Z = f - 1 ( 0 ) ⊆ 2 n . Sea C un circuito en n bits y de tamaño m y puertas g 1 , ... , g m . g i también denota la función en n bits calculada por subcircuito con g i como la última puerta. Las primeras n puertas son para la entrada x 1 , ... , x n
The idea is to consider for any function g
For an ultrafilter F⊆B
The next idea is now to exploit the finiteness of the circuit to construct a new input that is outside Z
We need to relax the definition of ultrafilter so that we can get an input outside Z
Let WF={w∈2n∣wi=0→||¬xi||∈F,wi≠0→||xi||∈F}
We are going to relax preservation of meets. In place of all meets in the Boolean algebra we will preserve a small number of them. Let |f|
Let m
Note that this inequality holds for all functions. To prove a circuit size lower bound m
The actual part of a circuit lower bound proof is to show that for given m
Alexander Razborov, On the Method of Approximation, 1989. pdf
Mauricio Karchmer, On Proving Lower Bounds for Circuit Size, 1995.
Tim Gowers, Razborov's method of approximation, 2009. pdf
Disclaimer: This is only a high-level overview intended to give some intuition to the methods used in Blum's recent paper.
I will attempt to use notation that is closer to what is used in the aforementioned paper.
Let f
Given some Boolean network β
At the end of this process, we will have approximated the function computed at gm
Next construct a group of test inputs T⊆{0,1}n
Suppose we can prove the following statements:
Then by simply counting the number of errors we get that β
If this approximation scheme can be shown to work for any network β