¿Cómo actualizar boost lib usando apt-get?


Yo uso ubuntu 11.04.

Mi versión de impulso:

  sam@sam:~/code/ros/pcl$ apt-cache  showpkg libboost-all-dev
  Package: libboost-all-dev
  Versions: (/var/lib/apt/lists/tw.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_universe_binary-amd64_Packages) (/var/lib/dpkg/status)
   Description Language: 
                   File: /var/lib/apt/lists/tw.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_universe_binary-amd64_Packages
                    MD5: 72efad05a3c79394c125b79e1d4eb3a7

  Reverse Depends: 
  Dependencies: - libboost-dev (0 (null)) libboost-date-time-dev (0 (null)) libboost-filesystem-dev (0 (null)) libboost-graph-dev (0 (null)) libboost-iostreams-dev (0 (null)) libboost-math-dev (0 (null)) libboost-program-options-dev (0 (null)) libboost-python-dev (0 (null)) libboost-regex-dev (0 (null)) libboost-serialization-dev (0 (null)) libboost-signals-dev (0 (null)) libboost-system-dev (0 (null)) libboost-test-dev (0 (null)) libboost-thread-dev (0 (null)) libboost-wave-dev (0 (null)) 
  Provides: - 
  Reverse Provides: 

¿Cómo actualizar boost a 1.44+ usando herramientas apt?

Gracias ~

Cuando ejecuto apt-add-repository, muestra:

  sam@sam:~/code/ros/pcl$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:timklingt/ppa
  Error reading https://launchpad.net/api/1.0/~timklingt/+archive/ppa: GnuTLS recv error (-9): A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.

¿Como arreglarlo?

Gracias ~

Intento instalar libboost1.46-all-dev:

  sam@sam:~/code/ros/pcl$ sudo apt-get install libboost1.46-all-dev
  Reading package lists... Done
  Building dependency tree       
  Reading state information... Done
  Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
  requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
  distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
  or been moved out of Incoming.
  The following information may help to resolve the situation:

  The following packages have unmet dependencies:
   libboost1.46-all-dev : Depends: libboost1.46-dev but it is not going to be installed
                          Depends: libboost-date-time1.46-dev but it is not going to be installed
                          Depends: libboost-filesystem1.46-dev but it is not going to be installed
                          Depends: libboost-graph1.46-dev but it is not going to be installed
                          Depends: libboost-iostreams1.46-dev but it is not going to be installed
                          Depends: libboost-math1.46-dev but it is not going to be installed
                          Depends: libboost-program-options1.46-dev but it is not going to be installed
                          Depends: libboost-python1.46-dev but it is not going to be installed
                          Depends: libboost-regex1.46-dev but it is not going to be installed
                          Depends: libboost-serialization1.46-dev but it is not going to be installed
                          Depends: libboost-signals1.46-dev but it is not going to be installed
                          Depends: libboost-system1.46-dev but it is not going to be installed
                          Depends: libboost-test1.46-dev but it is not going to be installed
                          Depends: libboost-thread1.46-dev but it is not going to be installed
                          Depends: libboost-wave1.46-dev but it is not going to be installed
  E: Broken packages

¿Qué significan estos errores?

¿Y como resolverlo?

Gracias ~



EDITAR: Boost-latest no se actualiza desde 2014 y la última versión es 1.55

¡El boost-latestPPA contiene todas las versiones de libboost y lo arregló para mí!

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:boost-latest/ppa
sudo apt-get update

ahora puede instalar la versión que desee, la última en el momento de escribir es 1.55:

sudo apt-get install libboost1X.55-all-dev

sudo apt-get install libboost1X.55-all-dev, no funciona, sudo apt-get install libboost1.55-all-dev sí.

Y aún así, es 1.55. :(
Roman Shapovalov

boost-latestEstá mal nombrado. Dejó de actualizarse en 2014 = (


Desafortunadamente, la última versión oficial de boost disponible en los repositorios para Natty (11.04) es 1.42.

Puede intentar instalarlo desde un PPA no oficial, por ejemplo, este.

sudo apt-add-repository ppa: timklingt / ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libboost1.46-all-dev

He editado mi publicación original. Y también tiene un problema apt-add-repository. ¿Como arreglarlo? Gracias ~

Descubrí que puedo ejecutar con 'sudo apt-add-repository ppa: tim-klingt / ppa'. Pero después de actualizar, ubuntu todavía no puede encontrar libboost-dev-all. ¿Como arreglarlo? Gracias ~

Por favor, intente libboost1.46-all-devpaquete - también respuesta editada.

He editado mi publicación original. Y también tienen errores de dependencia. ¿Como arreglarlo? Gracias ~

instalar primero libboost1.46-dev, quelibboost1.46-all-dev
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