Después de algunas investigaciones, encontré una forma de automatizar esto en Windows 7: AutoHotKey
He escrito una secuencia de comandos para crear un archivo de texto para sincronizar con el NAS mientras se abre iTunes. Este archivo de texto es una clave exclusiva de la computadora que lo abre y solo se creará o eliminará cuando la computadora en cuestión esté "en línea" para garantizar la integridad.
; the only way to keep integrity is to make sure that everything is synced before creating or deleting key
; if there is no key, only create one when there is internet connection, which is a safe bet that it is synced.
NodeNam =
IPs := HostToIp(NodeName)
DllCall("Ws2_32\WSACleanup") ; always inlude this line after calling to release the socket connection
IfNotExist, %A_WorkingDir%\*Key.txt
if IPs <> -1
FileAppend, This file represents iTunes key`n, %A_WorkingDir%\Win7Key.txt ;Msgbox, %NodeName%`n%IPs%
;if the right key exist, allow iTunes to run, and delete key only if internet is available
IfExist, %A_WorkingDir%\Win7Key.txt
Run, "C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\iTunes.exe"
winWait, iTunes
if IPs <> -1
FileDelete, %A_WorkingDir%\Win7Key.txt
;checks if internet is available by querying
HostToIp(NodeName) ; returns -1 if unsuccessful or a newline seperated list of valid IP addresses
VarSetCapacity(wsaData, 32) ; The struct is only about 14 in size, so 32 is conservative.
result := DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAStartup", "UShort", 0x0002, "UInt", &wsaData) ; Request Winsock 2.0 (0x0002)
if ErrorLevel ; check ErrorLevel to see if the OS has Winsock 2.0 available:
MsgBox WSAStartup() could not be called due to error %ErrorLevel%. Winsock 2.0 or higher is required.
return -1
if result ; Non-zero, which means it failed (most Winsock functions return 0 on success).
MsgBox % "WSAStartup() indicated Winsock error " . DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAGetLastError") ; %
return -1
PtrHostent := DllCall("Ws2_32\gethostbyname", str, Nodename)
if (PtrHostent = 0)
Return -1
h_addr_list := ExtractInteger(hostent,12,false,4)
Loop, 3
offset := ((A_Index-1)*4)
PtrAddress%A_Index% := ExtractInteger(AddressList,offset,false,4)
If (PtrAddress%A_Index% =0)
DllCall("RtlMoveMemory" ,UInt,&address%A_Index%,UInt,PtrAddress%A_Index%,Uint,4)
i := A_Index
Loop, 4
if Straddress%i%
Straddress%i% := Straddress%i% "." ExtractInteger(address%i%,(A_Index-1 ),false,1)
Straddress%i% := ExtractInteger(address%i%,(A_Index-1 ),false,1)
Straddress0 = %i%
loop, %Straddress0% ; put them together and return them
_this := Straddress%A_Index%
if _this <>
IPs = %IPs%%_this%
if A_Index = %Straddress0%
IPs = %IPs%`n
return IPs
ExtractInteger(ByRef pSource, pOffset = 0, pIsSigned = false, pSize = 4)
Loop %pSize%
result += *(&pSource+pOffset+A_Index-1) << 8*A_Index-8
Return result
Espero que esto ayude a alguien más. Ahora estoy buscando una solución Mac OSX. Voy a hacer una investigación sobre Automatizador para ver si es posible. Si alguien más tiene alguna otra solución, por favor comparta.