Realmente solo terminando la idea que comenzó Randolph Potter ...
Para el registro, no creo que alguna vez se te ocurra esto grabando. La grabación de macros es una buena forma de familiarizarse con el Modelo de objetos de Excel, pero no es una muy buena forma de escribir funciones reutilizables.
Option Explicit
'A simple test that copies every 7th row from the active sheet to a new sheet.
Sub SimpleTest()
Dim r As Range
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set r = GetEveryNthRow(7)
If Not r Is Nothing Then
Set ws = Worksheets.Add(Before:=Sheets(1))
r.Copy ws.Range("A1")
MsgBox "Nothing came back from GetEveryNthRow"
End If
Set ws = Nothing
Set r = Nothing
End Sub
Function GetEveryNthRow(ByVal NthRow As Long) As Range
Dim keepRows As Range
Dim r As Range
If NthRow > 0 Then
Set keepRows = Rows(1)
For Each r In ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows
If (r.Row Mod NthRow) = 0 Then
Set keepRows = Union(keepRows, Rows(r.Row))
End If
Next r
Set GetEveryNthRow = keepRows
MsgBox "The row multiple provided must be greater than 0"
End If
Set keepRows = Nothing
End Function