Probé muchas soluciones, como los administradores de túneles SSH, pero no me convencieron: demasiadas pantallas de configuración, a veces con errores (¡una vez que el administrador de túneles SSH purgó todos los ajustes que tenía! Así que tuve que restaurar la configuración de los 30 túneles). Entonces todos perdieron mi confianza. Es por eso que se me ocurrió un script Powershell personalizado, fácil de configurar, cambiante, pequeño, pero funciona. Publicado aquí y a continuación:
Para comenzar a usarlo, necesita una configuración como esta:
# LocalPort TargetHost TargetPort SshHost SshUsername SshKeyPath
18080 80 User D:\secure\path\to\private_key.ppk
Guárdelo como config.csv. Y usar un script de PowerShell para mantenerlo es:
Powershell script for keeping ssh tunnel up and running
This script uses configuration of tunnels located in config.csv. For more information visit
Version: 1.0
Author: Anton Shkuratov
Creation Date: 2019-03-13
Purpose/Change: Initial script development
$currentDir = $PSScriptRoot
if (-not $env:PATH.Contains($currentDir)) {
# Check plink is accessible
try {
Start-Process plink.exe -WindowStyle Hidden
} catch {
Write-Host Error running plink.exe Please make sure its path is in PATH environment variable
# Parse config
$config = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllLines("$currentDir\config.csv");
$bindings = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$regex = New-Object System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("(\d)+\s([^ ]+)\s(\d+)\s([^ ]+)\s([^ ]+)\s([^ ]+)", [System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::IgnoreCase);
$keyPasswords = @{}
$procs = @{}
foreach($line in $config) {
$match = $regex.Match($line)
if ($match.Success) {
$sshKey = $match.Groups[6];
LocalPort = $match.Groups[1];
TargetHost = $match.Groups[2];
TargetPort = $match.Groups.Groups[3];
SshHost = $match.Groups[4];
SshUser = $match.Groups[5];
SshKey = $match.Groups[6];
if (-not $keyPasswords.ContainsKey($sshKey)) {
$pass = Read-Host "Please enter password for key (if set): $sshKey" -AsSecureString
$keyPasswords.Add($sshKey, $pass);
# Starting Processes
function EnsureRunning($procs, $keyPasswords, $binding) {
if ($procs.ContainsKey($binding) -and $procs[$binding].HasExited) {
$proc = $procs[$binding]
$sshKey = $binding.sshKey
$out = $proc.StandardError.ReadToEnd()
if ($out.Contains("Wrong passphrase")) {
Write-Host "Wrong pass phrase for $sshKey, please re-enter"
$pass = Read-Host "Please enter password for key: $sshKey" -AsSecureString
$keyPasswords[$sshKey] = $pass;
} else {
$exitCode = $proc.ExitCode
$tHost = $binding.sshHost
Write-Host "Connection to $tHost is lost, exit code: $exitCode"
if (-not $procs.ContainsKey($binding) -or $procs[$binding].HasExited) {
$sshUser = $binding.SshUser
$sshHost = $binding.SshHost
$sshKey = $binding.SshKey
$lPort = $binding.LocalPort
$tPort = $binding.TargetPort
$tHost = $binding.TargetHost
$sshKeyPass = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($keyPasswords[$sshKey]))
$psi = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo;
$psi.FileName = "plink.exe";
$psi.UseShellExecute = $false;
$psi.CreateNoWindow = $true;
$psi.RedirectStandardInput = $true;
$psi.RedirectStandardError = $true;
$psi.Arguments = "-ssh $sshUser@$sshHost -i `"$sshKey`" -batch -pw $sshKeyPass -L $lPort`:$tHost`:$tPort"
$proc = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($psi);
Start-Sleep 1
if (-not $proc.HasExited) {
Write-Host Connected to $sshUser@$sshHost
$procs[$binding] = $proc;
function EnsureAllRunning($procs, $keyPasswords, $bindings) {
while($true) {
foreach($binding in $bindings) {
EnsureRunning $procs $keyPasswords $binding
Start-Sleep 1
try {
# Waiting for exit command
Write-Host Working... Press Ctrl+C to stop execution...
EnsureAllRunning $procs $keyPasswords $bindings
} finally {
# Clean up
Write-Host Clean up
foreach($proc in $procs.Values) {
if ($proc -ne $null -and -not $proc.HasExited) {
Después de configurarlo, simplemente ejecútelo como:
powershell -File autossh.ps1