Use el siguiente script de Powershell para descifrar todas las contraseñas en un archivo RDG de una sola vez.
En caso de que el enlace falle, aquí está el contenido para referencia:
function Decrypt-RDCMan ($FilePath) {
This script should be able to decrpt all passwords stored in the RDCMan config file
Function: Decrypt-RDCMan
Author:Ben Turner @benpturner, Rich Hicks @scriptmonkey_
Decrypt-RDCMan -FilePath
if (!$FilePath) {
[xml]$config = Get-Content "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\microsoft\remote desktop connection manager\rdcman.settings"
$Xml = Select-Xml -Xml $config -XPath "//FilesToOpen/*"
$Xml | select-object -ExpandProperty "Node"| % {Write-Output "Decrypting file: " $_.InnerText; Decrypt-RDCMan $_.InnerText}
} else {
[xml]$Types = Get-Content $FilePath
$Xml = Select-Xml -Xml $Types -XPath "//logonCredentials"
# depending on the RDCMan version we may need to change the XML search
$Xml | select-object -ExpandProperty "Node" | % { $pass = Decrypt-DPAPI $_.Password; $_.Domain + "\" + $_.Username + " - " + $Pass + " - " + "Hash:" + $_.Password + "`n" }
# depending on the RDCMan version, we may have to use search through the #text field in the XML structure
$Xml | select-object -ExpandProperty "Node" | % { $pass = Decrypt-DPAPI $_.Password."#text"; $_.Domain + "\" + $_.Username + "`n" + $Pass + " - Hash: " + $_.Password."#text" + "`n"}
function Decrypt-DPAPI ($EncryptedString) {
# load the Security Assembly into the PS runspace
Add-Type -assembly System.Security
$encoding= [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII
$uencoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UNICODE
# try and decrypt the password with the CurrentUser Scope
try {
$encryptedBytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($encryptedstring)
$bytes1 = [System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData]::Unprotect($encryptedBytes, $null, [System.Security.Cryptography.DataProtectionScope]::CurrentUser)
[System.Text.Encoding]::Convert([System.Text.Encoding]::UNICODE, $encoding, $bytes1) | % { $myStr1 += [char]$_}
echo $myStr1
catch {
# try and decrypt the password with the LocalMachine Scope only if the CurrentUser fails
try {
$encryptedBytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($encryptedstring)
$bytes1 = [System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData]::Unprotect($encryptedBytes, $null, [System.Security.Cryptography.DataProtectionScope]::LocalMachine)
[System.Text.Encoding]::Convert([System.Text.Encoding]::UNICODE, $encoding, $bytes1) | % { $myStr1 += [char]$_}
echo $myStr1
catch {
echo "Could not decrypt password"
Ejecute el script en Powershell ISE, que debería registrar las funciones. Entonces simple ejecución:
Descifrar-RDCMan -FilePath MyRDGfile.rdg