Una implementación idiomática Scala / LWJGL de Space Invaders no se parecería tanto a una implementación Haskell / OpenGL. Escribir una implementación de Haskell podría ser un mejor ejercicio en mi opinión. Pero si desea seguir con Scala, aquí hay algunas ideas sobre cómo escribirlo en un estilo funcional.
Intente usar solo objetos inmutables. Podría tener un Game
objeto que contenga a Player
, a Set[Invader]
(asegúrese de usar immutable.Set
), etc. Dé Player
un update(state: Game): Player
(también podría tomar depressedKeys: Set[Int]
, etc.), y dé a las otras clases métodos similares.
Por aleatoriedad, scala.util.Random
no es inmutable como el de Haskell System.Random
, pero podrías hacer tu propio generador inmutable. Este es ineficiente pero demuestra la idea.
case class ImmutablePRNG(val seed: Long) extends Immutable {
lazy val nextLong: (Long, ImmutableRNG) =
(seed, ImmutablePRNG(new Random(seed).nextLong()))
Para la entrada y representación del teclado / mouse, no hay forma de evitar las funciones impuras. También son impuros en Haskell, simplemente están encapsulados en IO
etc., de modo que sus objetos de función reales son técnicamente puros (no leen ni escriben el estado ellos mismos, describen las rutinas que sí, y el sistema de tiempo de ejecución ejecuta esas rutinas) .
Simplemente no ponga código de E / S en sus objetos inmutables como Game
, Player
y Invader
. Puedes dar Player
un render
método, pero debería verse como
render(state: Game, buffer: Image): Image
Desafortunadamente, esto no encaja bien con LWJGL ya que está tan basado en el estado, pero puedes construir tus propias abstracciones sobre él. Podría tener una ImmutableCanvas
clase que contenga un AWT Canvas
, y su blit
(y otros métodos) podrían clonar el subyacente Canvas
, pasarlo Display.setParent
, luego realizar el renderizado y devolver el nuevo Canvas
(en su contenedor inmutable).
Actualización : Aquí hay un código Java que muestra cómo haría esto. (Hubiera escrito casi el mismo código en Scala, excepto que un conjunto inmutable está incorporado y algunos bucles para cada uno podrían ser reemplazados con mapas o pliegues). Hice un jugador que se mueve y dispara balas, pero yo no agregó enemigos ya que el código ya se estaba alargando. Hice casi todo lo de copiar y escribir : creo que este es el concepto más importante.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.*;
import static java.awt.event.KeyEvent.*;
// An immutable wrapper around a Set. Doesn't implement Set or Collection
// because that would require quite a bit of code.
class ImmutableSet<T> implements Iterable<T> {
final Set<T> backingSet;
// Construct an empty set.
ImmutableSet() {
backingSet = new HashSet<T>();
// Copy constructor.
ImmutableSet(ImmutableSet<T> src) {
backingSet = new HashSet<T>(src.backingSet);
// Return a new set with an element added.
ImmutableSet<T> plus(T elem) {
ImmutableSet<T> copy = new ImmutableSet<T>(this);
return copy;
// Return a new set with an element removed.
ImmutableSet<T> minus(T elem) {
ImmutableSet<T> copy = new ImmutableSet<T>(this);
return copy;
boolean contains(T elem) {
return backingSet.contains(elem);
@Override public Iterator<T> iterator() {
return backingSet.iterator();
// An immutable, copy-on-write wrapper around BufferedImage.
class ImmutableImage {
final BufferedImage backingImage;
// Construct a blank image.
ImmutableImage(int w, int h) {
backingImage = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
// Copy constructor.
ImmutableImage(ImmutableImage src) {
backingImage = new BufferedImage(
false, null);
// Clear the image.
ImmutableImage clear(Color c) {
ImmutableImage copy = new ImmutableImage(this);
Graphics g = copy.backingImage.getGraphics();
g.fillRect(0, 0, backingImage.getWidth(), backingImage.getHeight());
return copy;
// Draw a filled circle.
ImmutableImage fillCircle(int x, int y, int r, Color c) {
ImmutableImage copy = new ImmutableImage(this);
Graphics g = copy.backingImage.getGraphics();
g.fillOval(x - r, y - r, r * 2, r * 2);
return copy;
// An immutable, copy-on-write object describing the player.
class Player {
final int x, y;
final int ticksUntilFire;
Player(int x, int y, int ticksUntilFire) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.ticksUntilFire = ticksUntilFire;
// Construct a player at the starting position, ready to fire.
Player() {
this(SpaceInvaders.W / 2, SpaceInvaders.H - 50, 0);
// Update the game state (repeatedly called for each game tick).
GameState update(GameState currentState) {
// Update the player's position based on which keys are down.
int newX = x;
if (currentState.keyboard.isDown(VK_LEFT) || currentState.keyboard.isDown(VK_A))
newX -= 2;
if (currentState.keyboard.isDown(VK_RIGHT) || currentState.keyboard.isDown(VK_D))
newX += 2;
// Update the time until the player can fire.
int newTicksUntilFire = ticksUntilFire;
if (newTicksUntilFire > 0)
// Replace the old player with an updated player.
Player newPlayer = new Player(newX, y, newTicksUntilFire);
return currentState.setPlayer(newPlayer);
// Update the game state in response to a key press.
GameState keyPressed(GameState currentState, int key) {
if (key == VK_SPACE && ticksUntilFire == 0) {
// Fire a bullet.
Bullet b = new Bullet(x, y);
ImmutableSet<Bullet> newBullets = currentState.bullets.plus(b);
currentState = currentState.setBullets(newBullets);
// Make the player wait 25 ticks before firing again.
currentState = currentState.setPlayer(new Player(x, y, 25));
return currentState;
ImmutableImage render(ImmutableImage img) {
return img.fillCircle(x, y, 20, Color.RED);
// An immutable, copy-on-write object describing a bullet.
class Bullet {
final int x, y;
static final int radius = 5;
Bullet(int x, int y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
// Update the game state (repeatedly called for each game tick).
GameState update(GameState currentState) {
ImmutableSet<Bullet> bullets = currentState.bullets;
bullets = bullets.minus(this);
if (y + radius >= 0)
// Add a copy of the bullet which has moved up the screen slightly.
bullets = bullets.plus(new Bullet(x, y - 5));
return currentState.setBullets(bullets);
ImmutableImage render(ImmutableImage img) {
return img.fillCircle(x, y, radius, Color.BLACK);
// An immutable, copy-on-write snapshot of the keyboard state at some time.
class KeyboardState {
final ImmutableSet<Integer> depressedKeys;
KeyboardState(ImmutableSet<Integer> depressedKeys) {
this.depressedKeys = depressedKeys;
KeyboardState() {
this(new ImmutableSet<Integer>());
GameState keyPressed(GameState currentState, int key) {
return currentState.setKeyboard(new KeyboardState(depressedKeys.plus(key)));
GameState keyReleased(GameState currentState, int key) {
return currentState.setKeyboard(new KeyboardState(depressedKeys.minus(key)));
boolean isDown(int key) {
return depressedKeys.contains(key);
// An immutable, copy-on-write description of the entire game state.
class GameState {
final Player player;
final ImmutableSet<Bullet> bullets;
final KeyboardState keyboard;
GameState(Player player, ImmutableSet<Bullet> bullets, KeyboardState keyboard) {
this.player = player;
this.bullets = bullets;
this.keyboard = keyboard;
GameState() {
this(new Player(), new ImmutableSet<Bullet>(), new KeyboardState());
GameState setPlayer(Player newPlayer) {
return new GameState(newPlayer, bullets, keyboard);
GameState setBullets(ImmutableSet<Bullet> newBullets) {
return new GameState(player, newBullets, keyboard);
GameState setKeyboard(KeyboardState newKeyboard) {
return new GameState(player, bullets, newKeyboard);
// Update the game state (repeatedly called for each game tick).
GameState update() {
GameState current = this;
current = current.player.update(current);
for (Bullet b : current.bullets)
current = b.update(current);
return current;
// Update the game state in response to a key press.
GameState keyPressed(int key) {
GameState current = this;
current = keyboard.keyPressed(current, key);
current = player.keyPressed(current, key);
return current;
// Update the game state in response to a key release.
GameState keyReleased(int key) {
GameState current = this;
current = keyboard.keyReleased(current, key);
return current;
ImmutableImage render() {
ImmutableImage img = new ImmutableImage(SpaceInvaders.W, SpaceInvaders.H);
img = img.clear(Color.BLUE);
img = player.render(img);
for (Bullet b : bullets)
img = b.render(img);
return img;
public class SpaceInvaders {
static final int W = 640, H = 480;
static GameState currentState = new GameState();
public static void main(String[] _) {
JFrame frame = new JFrame() {{
setSize(W, H);
setTitle("Space Invaders");
setContentPane(new JPanel() {
@Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
BufferedImage img = SpaceInvaders.currentState.render().backingImage;
((Graphics2D) g).drawRenderedImage(img, new AffineTransform());
addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() {
@Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
currentState = currentState.keyPressed(e.getKeyCode());
@Override public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
currentState = currentState.keyReleased(e.getKeyCode());
for (;;) {
currentState = currentState.update();
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}