según @pk use pushd & popd, aquí hay un ejemplo.
use pushd para crear una unidad virtual temporal y, una vez hecho, haga un popd para eliminar la unidad virtual temporal
REM Confirm which Folder structure
set /p location="Delete files for which QA environment: (P)retoria, (C)ape, (L)uanda or (Q)uit? (C/L/P/Q)"
REM I option allows for upper and lower case
if /I "%location%"=="C" set folder="\\Tfwcqa\tfwcqa\EORDERS"
if /I "%location%"=="L" set folder="\\Tfluaqa\tfluaqa\EORDERS"
if /I "%location%"=="P" set folder="\\Tfptaqa\tfptaqa\EORDERS"
if /I "%location%"=="Q" goto endBatch
REM you can not cd to a network drive so we use pushd to create a temporary virtual drive
REM cd /d %folder%
pushd %folder%
REM popd deletes the temporary virtual drive