vanilla vlc se puede instalar en archlinux usando
pacman -Sy vlc
Para obtener aceleración de hardware, es posible que desee compilar vlc usted mismo.
Hay un tutorial sobre la compilación vlc en:
que fue la base para la respuesta de gekod anterior. Traté de crear una secuencia de comandos para todo el proceso y actualmente lo dejo ejecutar en una PI de frambuesa base de archlinux:
# compile VLC from source to enable hardware acceleration
# WF 2013-12-25
# see
# for the original Raspbian version
# and
# for more elaboration of the issue
# this version is for archlinux and not
# install development tools
# check whether already installed
echo "starting vlc compile"
echo "checking that development tools are installed"
which m4
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo "... not installed ... will do so now ..."
sudo pacman -Sy git libtool pkg-config autoconf base-devel
echo "... already installed"
# check whether sources have been downloaded
if [ ! -d vlc ]
echo "vlc sources not available yet ... getting them ..."
git clone git://
cd vlc
echo "vlc sources available - updating ..."
cd vlc
git pull
# run the bootstrap process
# install libraries
pacman -Sy libbluray libdvdread libkate libass fluidsynth libmtp libgoom2 twolame
#pacman -Sy liba52-0.7.4-dev libdirac-dev libdvdread-dev libkate-dev libass-dev libbluray-dev libcddb2-dev libdca-dev libfaad-dev libflac-dev libmad0-dev libmodplug-dev libmpcdec-dev libmpeg2-4-dev libogg-dev libopencv-dev libpostproc-dev libshout3-dev libspeex-dev libspeexdsp-dev libssh2-1-dev liblua5.1-0-dev libopus-dev libschroedinger-dev libsmbclient-dev libtwolame-dev libx264-dev libxcb-composite0-dev libxcb-randr0-dev libxcb-xv0-dev libzvbi-dev
# check missing libraries
./configure --enable-rpi-omxil
grep "WARNING: Library" config.log | wc
grep "WARNING: Library" config.log
for lib in `grep "WARNING: Library" config.log | cut -d: -f 4 | cut -d " " -f3 `
pacman -Sy $lib
# now start make
make clean