Preguntas etiquetadas con webbrowser-control

¿Cómo inyectar Javascript en el control WebBrowser?
He probado esto: string newScript = textBox1.Text; HtmlElement head = browserCtrl.Document.GetElementsByTagName("head")[0]; HtmlElement scriptEl = browserCtrl.Document.CreateElement("script"); lblStatus.Text = scriptEl.GetType().ToString(); scriptEl.SetAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); head.AppendChild(scriptEl); scriptEl.InnerHtml = "function sayHello() { alert('hello') }"; scriptEl.InnerHtml y scriptEl.InnerText dan errores: System.NotSupportedException: Property is not supported on this type of HtmlElement. at System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement.set_InnerHtml(String value) at SForceApp.Form1.button1_Click(Object sender, EventArgs …
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