Bloqueo de comportamiento de desbloqueo de línea de lectura
Imagine que tiene tres preguntas que responder desde la consola, ya que ahora sabe que este código no se ejecutará porque el módulo estándar readline tiene un comportamiento 'desbloqueado' que dice que cada pregunta rl es un hilo independiente, por lo que este código no se ejecutará.
'use strict';
var questionaire=[['First Question: ',''],['Second Question: ',''],['Third Question: ','']];
function askaquestion(question) {
const readline = require('readline');
const rl = readline.createInterface(
{input: process.stdin, output:process.stdout}
rl.question(question[0], function(answer) {
question[1] = answer;
var i=0;
for (i=0; i < questionaire.length; i++) {
console.log('Results:',questionaire );
Ejecución de salida:
node test.js
Third Question: Results: [ [ 'First Question: ', '' ],
[ 'Second Question: ', '' ],
[ 'Third Question: ', '' ] ] <--- the last question remain unoverwritten and then the final line of the program is shown as the threads were running waiting for answers (see below)
aaa <--- I responded with a single 'a' that was sweeped by 3 running threads
a <--- Response of one thread
a <--- Response of another thread
a <--- Response of another thread (there is no order on threads exit)
La solución propuesta utiliza un emisor de eventos para señalar el final de un hilo de desbloqueo e incluye la lógica del bucle y el final del programa en su función de escucha.
'use strict';
var questionaire=[['First Question: ',''],['Second Question: ',''],['Third Question: ','']];
// Introduce EventEmitter object
const EventEmitter = require('events');
class MyEmitter extends EventEmitter {};
const myEmitter = new MyEmitter();
myEmitter.on('continue', () => {
i++; if (i< questionaire.length) askaquestion(questionaire[i],myEmitter); // add here relevant loop logic
else console.log('end of loop!\nResults:',questionaire );
function askaquestion(p_question,p_my_Emitter) { // add a parameter to include my_Emitter
const readline = require('readline');
const rl = readline.createInterface(
{input: process.stdin, output:process.stdout}
rl.question(p_question[0], function(answer) {
p_question[1] = answer;
myEmitter.emit('continue'); // Emit 'continue' event after the question was responded (detect end of unblocking thread)
/*var i=0;
for (i=0; i < questionaire.length; i++) {
var i=0;
askaquestion(questionaire[0],myEmitter); // entry point to the blocking loop
// console.log('Results:',questionaire ) <- moved to the truly end of the program
Ejecución de salida:
node test2.js
First Question: 1
Second Question: 2
Third Question: 3
Results: [ [ 'First Question: ', '1' ],
[ 'Second Question: ', '2' ],
[ 'Third Question: ', '3' ] ]
te refieres a readline ?