Ninguno de los anteriores hizo el trabajo para mí, pero esto sí:
-- KDF9's concise index list for SQL Server 2005+ (see below for 2000)
-- includes schemas and primary keys, in easy to read format
-- with unique, clustered, and all ascending/descendings in a single column
-- Needs simple manual add or delete to change maximum number of key columns
-- but is easy to understand and modify, with no UDFs or complex logic
schema_name(schema_id) as SchemaName, OBJECT_NAME(si.object_id) as TableName, as IndexName,
(CASE is_primary_key WHEN 1 THEN 'PK' ELSE '' END) as PK,
(CASE is_unique WHEN 1 THEN '1' ELSE '0' END)+' '+
(CASE si.type WHEN 1 THEN 'C' WHEN 3 THEN 'X' ELSE 'B' END)+' '+ -- B=basic, C=Clustered, X=XML
(CASE INDEXKEY_PROPERTY(si.object_id,index_id,1,'IsDescending') WHEN 0 THEN 'A' WHEN 1 THEN 'D' ELSE '' END)+
(CASE INDEXKEY_PROPERTY(si.object_id,index_id,2,'IsDescending') WHEN 0 THEN 'A' WHEN 1 THEN 'D' ELSE '' END)+
(CASE INDEXKEY_PROPERTY(si.object_id,index_id,3,'IsDescending') WHEN 0 THEN 'A' WHEN 1 THEN 'D' ELSE '' END)+
(CASE INDEXKEY_PROPERTY(si.object_id,index_id,4,'IsDescending') WHEN 0 THEN 'A' WHEN 1 THEN 'D' ELSE '' END)+
(CASE INDEXKEY_PROPERTY(si.object_id,index_id,5,'IsDescending') WHEN 0 THEN 'A' WHEN 1 THEN 'D' ELSE '' END)+
(CASE INDEXKEY_PROPERTY(si.object_id,index_id,6,'IsDescending') WHEN 0 THEN 'A' WHEN 1 THEN 'D' ELSE '' END)+
'' as 'Type',
INDEX_COL(schema_name(schema_id)+'.'+OBJECT_NAME(si.object_id),index_id,1) as Key1,
INDEX_COL(schema_name(schema_id)+'.'+OBJECT_NAME(si.object_id),index_id,2) as Key2,
INDEX_COL(schema_name(schema_id)+'.'+OBJECT_NAME(si.object_id),index_id,3) as Key3,
INDEX_COL(schema_name(schema_id)+'.'+OBJECT_NAME(si.object_id),index_id,4) as Key4,
INDEX_COL(schema_name(schema_id)+'.'+OBJECT_NAME(si.object_id),index_id,5) as Key5,
INDEX_COL(schema_name(schema_id)+'.'+OBJECT_NAME(si.object_id),index_id,6) as Key6
FROM sys.indexes as si
LEFT JOIN sys.objects as so on so.object_id=si.object_id
WHERE index_id>0 -- omit the default heap
and OBJECTPROPERTY(si.object_id,'IsMsShipped')=0 -- omit system tables
and not (schema_name(schema_id)='dbo' and OBJECT_NAME(si.object_id)='sysdiagrams') -- omit sysdiagrams
ORDER BY SchemaName,TableName,IndexName
-- or to generate creation scripts put a simple wrapper around that
SELECT SchemaName, TableName, IndexName,
(CASE pk
'TABLE '+SchemaName+'.'+TableName+' ADD CONSTRAINT '+IndexName+' PRIMARY KEY'+
(CASE substring(Type,3,1) WHEN 'C' THEN ' CLUSTERED' ELSE '' END)
(CASE substring(Type,1,1) WHEN '1' THEN 'UNIQUE ' ELSE '' END)+
(CASE substring(Type,3,1) WHEN 'C' THEN 'CLUSTERED ' ELSE '' END)+
'INDEX '+IndexName+' ON '+SchemaName+'.'+TableName
' ('+
(CASE WHEN Key1 is null THEN '' ELSE Key1+(CASE substring(Type,4+1,1) WHEN 'D' THEN ' DESC' ELSE '' END) END)+
(CASE WHEN Key2 is null THEN '' ELSE ', '+Key2+(CASE substring(Type,4+2,1) WHEN 'D' THEN ' DESC' ELSE '' END) END)+
(CASE WHEN Key3 is null THEN '' ELSE ', '+Key3+(CASE substring(Type,4+3,1) WHEN 'D' THEN ' DESC' ELSE '' END) END)+
(CASE WHEN Key4 is null THEN '' ELSE ', '+Key4+(CASE substring(Type,4+4,1) WHEN 'D' THEN ' DESC' ELSE '' END) END)+
(CASE WHEN Key5 is null THEN '' ELSE ', '+Key5+(CASE substring(Type,4+5,1) WHEN 'D' THEN ' DESC' ELSE '' END) END)+
(CASE WHEN Key6 is null THEN '' ELSE ', '+Key6+(CASE substring(Type,4+6,1) WHEN 'D' THEN ' DESC' ELSE '' END) END)+
')' as CreateIndex
...listing SQL same as above minus the ORDER BY...
) as indexes
ORDER BY SchemaName,TableName,IndexName
-- For SQL Server 2000 the following should work
-- change table names to sysindexes and sysobjects (no dots)
-- change object_id => id, index_id => indid,
-- change is_primary_key => (select count(constid) from sysconstraints as sc where and sc.status&15=1)
-- change is_unique => INDEXPROPERTY(,,'IsUnique')
-- change si.type => INDEXPROPERTY(,,'IsClustered')
-- remove all references to schemas including schema name qualifiers, and the XML type
-- add select where indid<255 and si.status&64=0 (to omit the text/image index and autostats)
Si sus nombres incluyen espacios, agregue corchetes alrededor de ellos en los scripts de creación.
Cuando la última columna Clave es nula, sabe que no falta ninguna.
Filtrar claves primarias, etc. como en la solicitud original es trivial.
NOTA: Tenga cuidado con esta solución, ya que no distingue las columnas indexadas e incluidas.