Cómo actualizar un objeto en una lista <> en C #


Tengo List<>varios objetos personalizados.

Necesito encontrar un objeto en esta lista por alguna propiedad que sea única y actualizar otra propiedad de este objeto.

¿Cuál es la forma más rápida de hacerlo?



Usando Linq para encontrar el objeto puede hacer:

var obj = myList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MyProperty == myValue);
if (obj != null) obj.OtherProperty = newValue;

But in this case you might want to save the List into a Dictionary and use this instead:

// ... define after getting the List/Enumerable/whatever
var dict = myList.ToDictionary(x => x.MyProperty);
// ... somewhere in code
MyObject found;
if (dict.TryGetValue(myValue, out found)) found.OtherProperty = newValue;

Thanks CKoenig, will this get a reference to obj or value(copy)? in other words, will be the object inside the list changed?

I think that this would not work if the object is of type struct, make it a class:)
Sara S.

Because you have a list of custom objects (assuming its a class and not a struct), you're dealing with a reference type, it will be a reference to that object and modifying it will "persist" - it will modify the object in the collection.
Matt Roberts

this will find the reference (so yes it will be the object in the list) and it should work with structs too - but to be honest I had to try to be sure there - but I don't see why not ATM

@CKoenig - It wouldn't work with structs, added a response below with code example to demonstrate
Matt Roberts


Just to add to CKoenig's response. His answer will work as long as the class you're dealing with is a reference type (like a class). If the custom object were a struct, this is a value type, and the results of .FirstOrDefault will give you a local copy of that, which will mean it won't persist back to the collection, as this example shows:

struct MyStruct
    public int TheValue { get; set; }

Test code:

List<MyStruct> coll = new List<MyStruct> {
                                            new MyStruct {TheValue = 10},
                                            new MyStruct {TheValue = 1},
                                            new MyStruct {TheValue = 145},
var found = coll.FirstOrDefault(c => c.TheValue == 1);
found.TheValue = 12;

foreach (var myStruct in coll)

The output is 10,1,145

Change the struct to a class and the output is 10,12,145


ok - thanks. my guess woult have been that you get a reference to the struct as well instead of a local copy.


or without linq

foreach(MyObject obj in myList)
   if(obj.prop == someValue)
     obj.otherProp = newValue;

Yes, this is obvious answer, but I don't want to use foreach, I guess this is the slowest way to do it

Can anyone comment on whether the LINQ method above is actually more efficient than this one?

If there is any difference, the linq version is probably slower.

@Burjua The perception is that we can see the actual loop happening in the foreach block, whereas in Linq/Lambda we don't, so we assume foreach is slower and try to avoid it. Reality is foreach/for/while loops are much faster.

Well slower/ faster I don't know which... but in my case I was dealing with small records anyway and didn't want to think about it to much. This worked! Nice touch with the break;
Anthony Griggs


Can also try.

 _lstProductDetail.Where(S => S.ProductID == "")
        .Select(S => { S.ProductPcs = "Update Value" ; return S; }).ToList();

This works with a list or an array, but not a IEnumerable
Lord Darth Vader

var itemIndex = listObject.FindIndex(x => x == SomeSpecialCondition());
var item = listObject.ElementAt(itemIndex);
item.SomePropYouWantToChange = "yourNewValue";

There's no need to remove the object from the list and re-insert it (very inefficient). Objects are reference types. Once you have a reference to the object, just update the object as it is one and the same as the object in the list.

One more suggestion. FindIndex may return -1, in which case ElementAt will throw an exception.


You can do somthing like :

if (product != null) {
    var products = Repository.Products;
    var indexOf = products.IndexOf(products.Find(p => p.Id == product.Id));
    Repository.Products[indexOf] = product;
    // or 
    Repository.Products[indexOf].prop = product.prop;


This was a new discovery today - after having learned the class/struct reference lesson!

You can use Linq and "Single" if you know the item will be found, because Single returns a variable...

myList.Single(x => x.MyProperty == myValue).OtherProperty = newValue;
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