Yo mismo hice lo siguiente, y creo que aprendí algo de eso.
En 1992, más o menos, escribí un pequeño intérprete de Lisp. No se implementó en C normal, sino en un lenguaje similar a C interpretado. Sin embargo, este lenguaje tipo C utilizó el preprocesador C estándar.
El intérprete de Lisp, por supuesto, contenía las funciones car , que se usan en Lisp para devolver el primer elemento de una lista, y cdr , que devuelve el resto de la lista. Se implementaron así:
CHECK_CONS("car", 1, id);
return cons_cars[id - CONS_OFFSET];
} /* car */
CHECK_CONS("cdr", 1, id);
return cons_cdrs[id - CONS_OFFSET];
} /* cdr */
(Los datos se almacenaron en matrices, ya que no había estructuras. CONS_OFFSET es la constante 1000).
car y cdr se usan con frecuencia en Lisp, y son cortos, y dado que las llamadas a funciones no eran muy rápidas en el lenguaje de implementación, optimicé mi código implementando esas dos funciones de Lisp como macros:
#define car(id) (CHECK_CONS("car", 1, (id)), cons_cars[(id) - CONS_OFFSET])
#define cdr(id) (CHECK_CONS("car", 1, (id)), cons_cdrs[(id) - CONS_OFFSET])
CHECK_CONS verifica que su argumento sea en realidad una lista, y dado que ese también se usa con frecuencia en el intérprete, y es breve, también escribí ese como macro:
#define CHECK_CONS(fun, pos, arg) \
(!IS_CONS(arg) ? \
LISP_ERROR("Arg " + pos + " to " + fun + \
" must be a list: " + lispid2string(arg)) : 0)
IS_CONS y LISP_ERROR también se usaron con frecuencia, por lo que también los convertí en macros:
#define IS_CONS(id) \
( intp(id) && (id) >= CONS_OFFSET \
&& ((id) - CONS_OFFSET) < sizeof(cons_cars))
#define LISP_ERROR(str) (throw((str) + "\n"))
¿Parece razonable?
Pero entonces, ¿por qué se bloqueó todo el sistema en esta línea?
id2 = car(car(car(car((id1))));
Trabajé mucho tiempo para encontrar el problema, hasta que finalmente comprobé a qué se expandió esa línea corta con el preprocesador. Se amplió a una línea de 31370 caracteres, que he dividido aquí en líneas (502 de ellas) para mayor claridad:
id2 = ((!(intp( (((!(intp( (((!(intp( (((!(intp( (id1)) && (
(id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ?
(throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " +
lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])))
&& ( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) >= 1000 && (( (((!(intp( (id1)) && (
(id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ?
(throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " +
lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) -
1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" +
" must be a list: " + lispid2string( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1))
>= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg "
+ 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " + lispid2string(
(id1))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) -
1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" +
" must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])) - 1000]))) && ( (((!(intp( (((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) && ( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >=
1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " +
1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1)))
+ "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) >= 1000 && (( (((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ?
(throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " +
lispid2string( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1))
- 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car"
+ " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])) - 1000]))) >= 1000 && (( (((!(intp(
(((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) && ( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >=
1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " +
1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1)))
+ "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) >= 1000 && (( (((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ?
(throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " +
lispid2string( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1))
- 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car"
+ " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])) - 1000]))) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars))
? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " +
lispid2string( (((!(intp( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 &&
(( (id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to
" + "car" + " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n"))
: 0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) && ( (((!(intp( (id1)) && (
(id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ?
(throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " +
lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])))
>= 1000 && (( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) -
1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" +
" must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ?
(throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " +
lispid2string( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1))
- 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car"
+ " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])) - 1000])))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(((!(intp( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && ((
(id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to "
+ "car" + " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) :
0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) && ( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1))
>= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg "
+ 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " + lispid2string(
(id1))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) >= 1000 && ((
(((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ?
(throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " +
lispid2string( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1))
- 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car"
+ " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])) - 1000])) - 1000]))) && ( (((!(intp(
(((!(intp( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) -
1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" +
" must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) && ( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >=
1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " +
1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1)))
+ "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) >= 1000 && (( (((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ?
(throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " +
lispid2string( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1))
- 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car"
+ " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])) - 1000]))) && ( (((!(intp( (((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) && ( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >=
1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " +
1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1)))
+ "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) >= 1000 && (( (((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ?
(throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " +
lispid2string( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1))
- 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car"
+ " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])) - 1000]))) >= 1000 && (( (((!(intp(
(((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) && ( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >=
1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " +
1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1)))
+ "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) >= 1000 && (( (((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ?
(throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " +
lispid2string( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1))
- 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car"
+ " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])) - 1000]))) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars))
? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " +
lispid2string( (((!(intp( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 &&
(( (id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to
" + "car" + " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n"))
: 0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) && ( (((!(intp( (id1)) && (
(id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ?
(throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " +
lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])))
>= 1000 && (( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) -
1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" +
" must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ?
(throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " +
lispid2string( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1))
- 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car"
+ " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])) - 1000])))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(((!(intp( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && ((
(id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to "
+ "car" + " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) :
0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) && ( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1))
>= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg "
+ 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " + lispid2string(
(id1))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) >= 1000 && ((
(((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ?
(throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " +
lispid2string( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1))
- 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car"
+ " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])) - 1000])) - 1000]))) >= 1000 && ((
(((!(intp( (((!(intp( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && ((
(id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to "
+ "car" + " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) :
0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) && ( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1))
>= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg "
+ 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " + lispid2string(
(id1))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) >= 1000 && ((
(((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ?
(throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " +
lispid2string( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1))
- 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car"
+ " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])) - 1000]))) && ( (((!(intp( (((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) && ( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >=
1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " +
1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1)))
+ "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) >= 1000 && (( (((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ?
(throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " +
lispid2string( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1))
- 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car"
+ " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])) - 1000]))) >= 1000 && (( (((!(intp(
(((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) && ( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >=
1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " +
1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1)))
+ "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) >= 1000 && (( (((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ?
(throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " +
lispid2string( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1))
- 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car"
+ " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])) - 1000]))) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars))
? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " +
lispid2string( (((!(intp( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 &&
(( (id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to
" + "car" + " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n"))
: 0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) && ( (((!(intp( (id1)) && (
(id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ?
(throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " +
lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])))
>= 1000 && (( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) -
1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" +
" must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ?
(throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " +
lispid2string( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1))
- 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car"
+ " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])) - 1000])))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(((!(intp( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && ((
(id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to "
+ "car" + " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) :
0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) && ( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1))
>= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg "
+ 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " + lispid2string(
(id1))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) >= 1000 && ((
(((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ?
(throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " +
lispid2string( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1))
- 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car"
+ " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])) - 1000])) - 1000]))) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (((!(intp( (((!(intp( (((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) && ( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >=
1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " +
1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1)))
+ "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) >= 1000 && (( (((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ?
(throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " +
lispid2string( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1))
- 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car"
+ " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])) - 1000]))) && ( (((!(intp( (((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) && ( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >=
1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " +
1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1)))
+ "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) >= 1000 && (( (((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ?
(throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " +
lispid2string( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1))
- 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car"
+ " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])) - 1000]))) >= 1000 && (( (((!(intp(
(((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) && ( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >=
1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " +
1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1)))
+ "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) >= 1000 && (( (((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ?
(throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " +
lispid2string( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1))
- 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car"
+ " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])) - 1000]))) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars))
? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " +
lispid2string( (((!(intp( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 &&
(( (id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to
" + "car" + " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n"))
: 0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) && ( (((!(intp( (id1)) && (
(id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ?
(throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " +
lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])))
>= 1000 && (( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) -
1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" +
" must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ?
(throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " +
lispid2string( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1))
- 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car"
+ " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])) - 1000])))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(((!(intp( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && ((
(id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to "
+ "car" + " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) :
0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) && ( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1))
>= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg "
+ 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " + lispid2string(
(id1))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) >= 1000 && ((
(((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ?
(throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " +
lispid2string( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1))
- 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car"
+ " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(((!(intp(
(id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) <
sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must
be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])) - 1000])) - 1000])))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(((!(intp( (((!(intp( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >=
1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " +
1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1)))
+ "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) && ( (((!(intp( (id1))
&& ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ?
(throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" + " must be a list: " +
lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0), cons_cars[(id1) - 1000])))
>= 1000 && (( (((!(intp( (id1)) && ( (id1)) >= 1000 && (( (id1)) -
1000) < sizeof(cons_cars)) ? (throw(("Arg " + 1 + " to " + "car" +
" must be a list: " + lispid2string( (id1))) + "\n")) : 0),
cons_cars[(id1) - 1000]))) - 1000) < sizeof(cons_cars))