Aquí está mi modelo de 3 entidades: Ruta, Ubicación y LocationInRoute.
el siguiente método falla y obtiene una excepción cuando lo confirma:
public static Route InsertRouteIfNotExists(Guid companyId, IListLocation> locations)
//Loop on locations and insert it without commit
InsertLocations(companyId, routesOrLocations);
RouteRepository routeRep = new RouteRepository();
Route route = routeRep.FindRoute(companyId, locations);
if (route == null)
route = new Route()
CompanyId = companyId,
IsDeleted = false
LocationInRouteRepository locInRouteRep = new LocationInRouteRepository();
for (int i = 0; i < locations.Count; i++)
locInRouteRep.Insert(new LocationInRoute()
//Id = i,
LocationId = locations[i].Id,
Order = i,
RouteId = route.Id
return route;
Al hacer:
InsertRouteIfNotExists(companyId, locations);
No se puede determinar el final principal de la relación 'SimTaskModel.FK_T_STF_SUB_LOCATION_IN_ROUTE_T_STF_LOCATION_location_id'. Varias entidades agregadas pueden tener la misma clave principal.
Al dividir la confirmación e insertarla en los métodos, funciona:
public static Route InsertRouteIfNotExists(Guid companyId, IListLocation> locations)
//Loop on locations and insert it without commit
InsertLocations(companyId, routesOrLocations);
RouteRepository routeRep = new RouteRepository();
Route route = routeRep.FindRoute(companyId, locations);
if (route == null)
route = new Route()
CompanyId = companyId,
IsDeleted = false
LocationInRouteRepository locInRouteRep = new LocationInRouteRepository();
for (int i = 0; i < locations.Count; i++)
locInRouteRep.Insert(new LocationInRoute()
//Id = i,
LocationId = locations[i].Id,
Order = i,
RouteId = route.Id
return route;
Me gustaría llamar a commit una vez y fuera del método. ¿Por qué falla en el primer ejemplo y qué significa esta excepción?