Advertencias de desaprobación de niebla al iniciar el servidor Rails


Migré mi aplicación Rails a Rails 6.0.1 y cada vez que inicio el servidor recibo estas advertencias de desaprobación de niebla. ¿Cómo puedo deshacerme de ellos? Curiosamente tengo una versión clonada de esta aplicación, que no da estas advertencias ...

[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Atmos::Storage
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Storage::Atmos is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Clodo::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::Clodo is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::DigitalOcean::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::DigitalOcean is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Dnsimple::DNS
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::DNS::Dnsimple is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::DNSMadeEasy::DNS
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::DNS::DNSMadeEasy is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Fogdocker::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::Fogdocker is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Dreamhost::DNS
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::DNS::Dreamhost is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Dynect::DNS
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::DNS::Dynect is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Ecloud::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::Ecloud is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Glesys::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::Glesys is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::GoGrid::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::GoGrid is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Google::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::Google is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Google::DNS
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::DNS::Google is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Google::Storage
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Storage::Google is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::IBM::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::IBM is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::IBM::Storage
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Storage::IBM is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::InternetArchive::Storage
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Storage::InternetArchive is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Linode::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::Linode is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Linode::DNS
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::DNS::Linode is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::BareMetalCloud::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::BareMetalCloud is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Rackspace::CDN
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::CDN::Rackspace is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Rackspace::CDN v2
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::CDN v2::Rackspace is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Rackspace::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::Rackspace is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Rackspace::Compute v2
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute v2::Rackspace is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Rackspace::DNS
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::DNS::Rackspace is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Rackspace::Storage
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Storage::Rackspace is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Rackspace::Databases
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Databases::Rackspace is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Rage4::DNS
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::DNS::Rage4 is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::PowerDNS::DNS
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::DNS::PowerDNS is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::ProfitBricks::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::ProfitBricks is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::SakuraCloud::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::SakuraCloud is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::SakuraCloud::Volume
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Volume::SakuraCloud is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::SakuraCloud::Network
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Network::SakuraCloud is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::SakuraCloud::DNS
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::DNS::SakuraCloud is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Serverlove::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::Serverlove is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Softlayer::Account
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Account::Softlayer is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Softlayer::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::Softlayer is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Softlayer::DNS
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::DNS::Softlayer is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Softlayer::Network
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Network::Softlayer is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Softlayer::Storage
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Storage::Softlayer is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::StormOnDemand::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::StormOnDemand is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::StormOnDemand::Network
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Network::StormOnDemand is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::StormOnDemand::Storage
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Storage::StormOnDemand is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::StormOnDemand::DNS
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::DNS::StormOnDemand is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::StormOnDemand::Billing
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Billing::StormOnDemand is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::StormOnDemand::Monitoring
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Monitoring::StormOnDemand is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::StormOnDemand::Support
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Support::StormOnDemand is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::StormOnDemand::Account
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Account::StormOnDemand is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::StormOnDemand::VPN
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::VPN::StormOnDemand is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Vcloud::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::Vcloud is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::VcloudDirector::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::VcloudDirector is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Vmfusion::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::Vmfusion is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Voxel::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::Voxel is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::CloudSigma::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::CloudSigma is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Openvz::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::Openvz is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::OpenNebula::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::OpenNebula is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Aliyun::Compute
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Compute::Aliyun is deprecated
[fog][DEPRECATION] Unable to load Fog::Aliyun::Storage
[fog][DEPRECATION] The format Fog::Storage::Aliyun is deprecated

¿Actualizaste la gema 'fog-core'?
Santosh Aryal

No, la gema de niebla se repara en una versión determinada

¿En qué versiones de niebla y / o núcleo de niebla estás?

¿Encontraste una respuesta a esto? Veo la misma advertencia y es bastante molesto cada vez que invoco comandos de "rieles".
Askar Hussain

Mis versiones son fog (2.2.0) y fog-core (~> 2.1)
Askar Hussain



Solución alternativa: pegue estas 2 líneas sobre Bundler.require en su config/application.rb


require 'fog/core'
Fog::Logger[:deprecation] = nil

# Require the gems listed in Gemfile, including any gems
# you've limited to :test, :development, or :production.


Sí, eso eliminó las advertencias, ¡gracias!


Según tengo entendido, estás usando toda la fogbiblioteca. ¿Hay alguna razón específica por la que eres la biblioteca completa, por ejemplo fog-aws? En mi opinión, el uso de la fogbiblioteca completa tiene muy pocos beneficios, a menos que tenga algún tipo de aplicación / biblioteca de nivel superior que interactúe con todos los proveedores que fogofrece. Por lo tanto, sugiero que solo requiera la biblioteca / bibliotecas que necesita y deje el resto. Esto podría eliminar las advertencias de desaprobación.

No hay una razón específica, esa es la forma en que se configuró hace muchos años en la aplicación. Hasta Rails 6 esto no fue un problema y no dio estas advertencias.
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