También creé una clase util / helper (usando jdk 8) que puede formatear una cadena y reemplaza las ocurrencias de variables.
Para este propósito, utilicé el método "appendReplacement" de Matchers que realiza todas las sustituciones y bucles solo sobre las partes afectadas de una cadena de formato.
La clase auxiliar actualmente no está bien documentada por javadoc. Cambiaré esto en el futuro;) De todos modos, comenté las líneas más importantes (espero).
public class FormatHelper {
//Prefix and suffix for the enclosing variable name in the format string.
//Replace the default values with any you need.
public static final String DEFAULT_PREFIX = "${";
public static final String DEFAULT_SUFFIX = "}";
//Define dynamic function what happens if a key is not found.
//Replace the defualt exception with any "unchecked" exception type you need or any other behavior.
public static final BiFunction<String, String, String> DEFAULT_NO_KEY_FUNCTION =
(fullMatch, variableName) -> {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Key: %s for variable %s not found.",
private final Pattern variablePattern;
private final Map<String, String> values;
private final BiFunction<String, String, String> noKeyFunction;
private final String prefix;
private final String suffix;
public FormatHelper(Map<String, String> values) {
public FormatHelper(
BiFunction<String, String, String> noKeyFunction, Map<String, String> values) {
this(DEFAULT_PREFIX, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, noKeyFunction, values);
public FormatHelper(String prefix, String suffix, Map<String, String> values) {
this(prefix, suffix, DEFAULT_NO_KEY_FUNCTION, values);
public FormatHelper(
String prefix,
String suffix,
BiFunction<String, String, String> noKeyFunction,
Map<String, String> values) {
this.prefix = prefix;
this.suffix = suffix;
this.values = values;
this.noKeyFunction = noKeyFunction;
//Create the Pattern and quote the prefix and suffix so that the regex don't interpret special chars.
//The variable name is a "\w+" in an extra capture group.
variablePattern = Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote(prefix) + "(\\w+)" + Pattern.quote(suffix));
public static String format(CharSequence format, Map<String, String> values) {
return new FormatHelper(values).format(format);
public static String format(
CharSequence format,
BiFunction<String, String, String> noKeyFunction,
Map<String, String> values) {
return new FormatHelper(noKeyFunction, values).format(format);
public static String format(
String prefix, String suffix, CharSequence format, Map<String, String> values) {
return new FormatHelper(prefix, suffix, values).format(format);
public static String format(
String prefix,
String suffix,
BiFunction<String, String, String> noKeyFunction,
CharSequence format,
Map<String, String> values) {
return new FormatHelper(prefix, suffix, noKeyFunction, values).format(format);
public String format(CharSequence format) {
//Create matcher based on the init pattern for variable names.
Matcher matcher = variablePattern.matcher(format);
//This buffer will hold all parts of the formatted finished string.
StringBuffer formatBuffer = new StringBuffer();
//loop while the matcher finds another variable (prefix -> name <- suffix) match
while (matcher.find()) {
//The root capture group with the full match e.g ${variableName}
String fullMatch = matcher.group();
//The capture group for the variable name resulting from "(\w+)" e.g. variableName
String variableName = matcher.group(1);
//Get the value in our Map so the Key is the used variable name in our "format" string. The associated value will replace the variable.
//If key is missing (absent) call the noKeyFunction with parameters "fullMatch" and "variableName" else return the value.
String value = values.computeIfAbsent(variableName, key -> noKeyFunction.apply(fullMatch, key));
//Escape the Map value because the "appendReplacement" method interprets the $ and \ as special chars.
String escapedValue = Matcher.quoteReplacement(value);
//The "appendReplacement" method replaces the current "full" match (e.g. ${variableName}) with the value from the "values" Map.
//The replaced part of the "format" string is appended to the StringBuffer "formatBuffer".
matcher.appendReplacement(formatBuffer, escapedValue);
//The "appendTail" method appends the last part of the "format" String which has no regex match.
//That means if e.g. our "format" string has no matches the whole untouched "format" string is appended to the StringBuffer "formatBuffer".
//Further more the method return the buffer.
return matcher.appendTail(formatBuffer)
public String getPrefix() {
return prefix;
public String getSuffix() {
return suffix;
public Map<String, String> getValues() {
return values;
Puede crear una instancia de clase para un Mapa específico con valores (o sufijo prefijo o noKeyFunction) como:
Map<String, String> values = new HashMap<>();
values.put("firstName", "Peter");
values.put("lastName", "Parker");
FormatHelper formatHelper = new FormatHelper(values);
formatHelper.format("${firstName} ${lastName} is Spiderman!");
// Result: "Peter Parker is Spiderman!"
// Next format:
formatHelper.format("Does ${firstName} ${lastName} works as photographer?");
//Result: "Does Peter Parker works as photographer?"
Además, puede definir qué sucede si falta una clave en el mapa de valores (funciona en ambos sentidos, por ejemplo, nombre de variable incorrecto en la cadena de formato o clave faltante en el mapa). El comportamiento predeterminado es una excepción no marcada (sin marcar porque uso la función jdk8 predeterminada que no puede manejar excepciones marcadas) como:
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("firstName", "Peter");
map.put("lastName", "Parker");
FormatHelper formatHelper = new FormatHelper(map);
formatHelper.format("${missingName} ${lastName} is Spiderman!");
//Result: RuntimeException: Key: missingName for variable ${missingName} not found.
Puede definir un comportamiento personalizado en la llamada del constructor como:
Map<String, String> values = new HashMap<>();
values.put("firstName", "Peter");
values.put("lastName", "Parker");
FormatHelper formatHelper = new FormatHelper(fullMatch, variableName) -> variableName.equals("missingName") ? "John": "SOMETHING_WRONG", values);
formatHelper.format("${missingName} ${lastName} is Spiderman!");
// Result: "John Parker is Spiderman!"
o delegarlo de nuevo al comportamiento predeterminado sin clave:
FormatHelper formatHelper = new FormatHelper((fullMatch, variableName) -> variableName.equals("missingName") ? "John" :
variableName), map);
Para un mejor manejo también hay representaciones de métodos estáticos como:
Map<String, String> values = new HashMap<>();
values.put("firstName", "Peter");
values.put("lastName", "Parker");
FormatHelper.format("${firstName} ${lastName} is Spiderman!", map);
// Result: "Peter Parker is Spiderman!"