He creado algunos métodos auxiliares, uno de los cuales hace lo mismo que el autor original de la publicación en Ruby / Rails: cambiar la zona horaria de una hora, sin cambiar el valor .
También he documentado algunas peculiaridades que observé y también estos ayudantes contienen métodos para ignorar por completo el ahorro automático de luz diurna aplicable mientras que las conversiones de tiempo no están disponibles de forma inmediata en el marco de Rails:
def utc_offset_of_given_time(time, ignore_dst: false)
# Correcting the utc_offset below
utc_offset = time.utc_offset
if !!ignore_dst && time.dst?
utc_offset_ignoring_dst = utc_offset - 3600 # 3600 seconds = 1 hour
utc_offset = utc_offset_ignoring_dst
def utc_offset_of_given_time_ignoring_dst(time)
utc_offset_of_given_time(time, ignore_dst: true)
def change_offset_in_given_time_to_given_utc_offset(time, utc_offset)
formatted_utc_offset = ActiveSupport::TimeZone.seconds_to_utc_offset(utc_offset, false)
# change method accepts :offset option only on DateTime instances.
# and also offset option works only when given formatted utc_offset
# like -0500. If giving it number of seconds like -18000 it is not
# taken into account. This is not mentioned clearly in the documentation
# , though.
# Hence the conversion to DateTime instance first using to_datetime.
datetime_with_changed_offset = time.to_datetime.change(offset: formatted_utc_offset)
def ignore_dst_in_given_time(time)
return time unless time.dst?
utc_offset = time.utc_offset
if utc_offset < 0
dst_ignored_time = time - 1.hour
elsif utc_offset > 0
dst_ignored_time = time + 1.hour
utc_offset_ignoring_dst = utc_offset_of_given_time_ignoring_dst(time)
dst_ignored_time_with_corrected_offset =
change_offset_in_given_time_to_given_utc_offset(dst_ignored_time, utc_offset_ignoring_dst)
# A special case for time in timezones observing DST and which are
# ahead of UTC. For e.g. Tehran city whose timezone is Iran Standard Time
# and which observes DST and which is UTC +03:30. But when DST is active
# it becomes UTC +04:30. Thus when a IRDT (Iran Daylight Saving Time)
# is given to this method say '05-04-2016 4:00pm' then this will convert
# it to '05-04-2016 5:00pm' and update its offset to +0330 which is incorrect.
# The updated UTC offset is correct but the hour should retain as 4.
if utc_offset > 0
dst_ignored_time_with_corrected_offset -= 1.hour
Ejemplos que se pueden probar en la consola de rieles o en un script ruby después de envolver los métodos anteriores en una clase o módulo:
dd1 = '05-04-2016 4:00pm'
dd2 = '07-11-2016 4:00pm'
utc_zone = ActiveSupport::TimeZone['UTC']
est_zone = ActiveSupport::TimeZone['Eastern Time (US & Canada)']
tehran_zone = ActiveSupport::TimeZone['Tehran']
utc_dd1 = utc_zone.parse(dd1)
est_dd1 = est_zone.parse(dd1)
tehran_dd1 = tehran_zone.parse(dd1)
ignore_dst = true
utc_to_est_time = utc_dd1.in_time_zone(est_zone.name)
if utc_to_est_time.dst? && !!ignore_dst
utc_to_est_time = ignore_dst_in_given_time(utc_to_est_time)
puts utc_to_est_time
Espero que esto ayude.