Fuente impresionante como conjunto de formas personalizadas de Photoshop


Cada vez que necesito usar una fuente increíble en Photoshop, siempre copiaré un ícono del sitio web y lo pegaré en Photoshop. Puedo imprimirlo en PDF y copiarlo en Illustrator como vector, pero los quiero como conjunto de formas personalizadas de Photoshop. Copié texto completo en Photoshop, pero luego necesito dividir las capas en cada icono de cada capa y esto llevará mucho tiempo. ¿Cómo puedo convertirlos a todos en un archivo .csh?



Este podría ser un buen momento para introducir los scripts y el oyente de scripts en su conjunto de herramientas. Si bien un complemento está bien, es posible que tenga otras ideas más adelante donde esto podría ayudar. Así que aquí está mi script rápidamente golpeado. Para usar esto, cambie la parte de configuración y colóquela en un archivo jsx (y luego arrastre una gota en Photoshop, por ejemplo):

// setup preferences
SIZE = UnitValue(24, "pt");
FONT = "Cambria";

doc = app.activeDocument;
for ( var i = 0; i < CHARS_TO_CONVERT.length; i++ ){
    var ch = CHARS_TO_CONVERT.charAt(i)
    var layer = doc.artLayers.add();
    layer.kind = LayerKind.TEXT;
    layer.textItem.contents = ch;
    layer.textItem.font = FONT;
    layer.textItem.size = SIZE;

function makeCustomShape(name){
// recorded with script listener will make currently active path a custiom shape 
// with a specified name
    var idMk = charIDToTypeID( "Mk  " );
        var desc29 = new ActionDescriptor();
        var idnull = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
            var ref13 = new ActionReference();
            var idcustomShape = stringIDToTypeID( "customShape" );
            ref13.putClass( idcustomShape );
        desc29.putReference( idnull, ref13 );
        var idUsng = charIDToTypeID( "Usng" );
            var ref14 = new ActionReference();
            var idPrpr = charIDToTypeID( "Prpr" );
            var idfsel = charIDToTypeID( "fsel" );
            ref14.putProperty( idPrpr, idfsel );
            var idDcmn = charIDToTypeID( "Dcmn" );
            var idOrdn = charIDToTypeID( "Ordn" );
            var idTrgt = charIDToTypeID( "Trgt" );
            ref14.putEnumerated( idDcmn, idOrdn, idTrgt );
        desc29.putReference( idUsng, ref14 );
        var idNm = charIDToTypeID( "Nm  " );
        desc29.putString( idNm, name );
    executeAction( idMk, desc29, DialogModes.NO );

Es más rápido que hacer las cosas manualmente.

Y aquí hay uno para el caso de uso específico:

// setup preferences
SIZE = UnitValue(24, "pt");
FONT = "FontAwesome";
arr = [
"glass \uf000",
"music \uf001",
"search \uf002",
"envelope-o \uf003",
"heart \uf004",
"star \uf005",
"star-o \uf006",
"user \uf007",
"film \uf008",
"th-large \uf009",
"th \uf00a",
"th-list \uf00b",
"check \uf00c",
"times \uf00d",
"search-plus \uf00e",
"search-minus \uf010",
"power-off \uf011",
"signal \uf012",
"cog \uf013",
"trash-o \uf014",
"home \uf015",
"file-o \uf016",
"clock-o \uf017",
"road \uf018",
"download \uf019",
"arrow-circle-o-down \uf01a",
"arrow-circle-o-up \uf01b",
"inbox \uf01c",
"play-circle-o \uf01d",
"repeat \uf01e",
"refresh \uf021",
"list-alt \uf022",
"lock \uf023",
"flag \uf024",
"headphones \uf025",
"volume-off \uf026",
"volume-down \uf027",
"volume-up \uf028",
"qrcode \uf029",
"barcode \uf02a",
"tag \uf02b",
"tags \uf02c",
"book \uf02d",
"bookmark \uf02e",
"print \uf02f",
"camera \uf030",
"font \uf031",
"bold \uf032",
"italic \uf033",
"text-height \uf034",
"text-width \uf035",
"align-left \uf036",
"align-center \uf037",
"align-right \uf038",
"align-justify \uf039",
"list \uf03a",
"outdent \uf03b",
"indent \uf03c",
"video-camera \uf03d",
"picture-o \uf03e",
"pencil \uf040",
"map-marker \uf041",
"adjust \uf042",
"tint \uf043",
"pencil-square-o \uf044",
"share-square-o \uf045",
"check-square-o \uf046",
"arrows \uf047",
"step-backward \uf048",
"fast-backward \uf049",
"backward \uf04a",
"play \uf04b",
"pause \uf04c",
"stop \uf04d",
"forward \uf04e",
"fast-forward \uf050",
"step-forward \uf051",
"eject \uf052",
"chevron-left \uf053",
"chevron-right \uf054",
"plus-circle \uf055",
"minus-circle \uf056",
"times-circle \uf057",
"check-circle \uf058",
"question-circle \uf059",
"info-circle \uf05a",
"crosshairs \uf05b",
"times-circle-o \uf05c",
"check-circle-o \uf05d",
"ban \uf05e",
"arrow-left \uf060",
"arrow-right \uf061",
"arrow-up \uf062",
"arrow-down \uf063",
"share \uf064",
"expand \uf065",
"compress \uf066",
"plus \uf067",
"minus \uf068",
"asterisk \uf069",
"exclamation-circle \uf06a",
"gift \uf06b",
"leaf \uf06c",
"fire \uf06d",
"eye \uf06e",
"eye-slash \uf070",
"exclamation-triangle \uf071",
"plane \uf072",
"calendar \uf073",
"random \uf074",
"comment \uf075",
"magnet \uf076",
"chevron-up \uf077",
"chevron-down \uf078",
"retweet \uf079",
"shopping-cart \uf07a",
"folder \uf07b",
"folder-open \uf07c",
"arrows-v \uf07d",
"arrows-h \uf07e",
"bar-chart-o \uf080",
"twitter-square \uf081",
"facebook-square \uf082",
"camera-retro \uf083",
"key \uf084",
"cogs \uf085",
"comments \uf086",
"thumbs-o-up \uf087",
"thumbs-o-down \uf088",
"star-half \uf089",
"heart-o \uf08a",
"sign-out \uf08b",
"linkedin-square \uf08c",
"thumb-tack \uf08d",
"external-link \uf08e",
"sign-in \uf090",
"trophy \uf091",
"github-square \uf092",
"upload \uf093",
"lemon-o \uf094",
"phone \uf095",
"square-o \uf096",
"bookmark-o \uf097",
"phone-square \uf098",
"twitter \uf099",
"facebook \uf09a",
"github \uf09b",
"unlock \uf09c",
"credit-card \uf09d",
"rss \uf09e",
"hdd-o \uf0a0",
"bullhorn \uf0a1",
"bell \uf0f3",
"certificate \uf0a3",
"hand-o-right \uf0a4",
"hand-o-left \uf0a5",
"hand-o-up \uf0a6",
"hand-o-down \uf0a7",
"arrow-circle-left \uf0a8",
"arrow-circle-right \uf0a9",
"arrow-circle-up \uf0aa",
"arrow-circle-down \uf0ab",
"globe \uf0ac",
"wrench \uf0ad",
"tasks \uf0ae",
"filter \uf0b0",
"briefcase \uf0b1",
"arrows-alt \uf0b2",
"users \uf0c0",
"link \uf0c1",
"cloud \uf0c2",
"flask \uf0c3",
"scissors \uf0c4",
"files-o \uf0c5",
"paperclip \uf0c6",
"floppy-o \uf0c7",
"square \uf0c8",
"bars \uf0c9",
"list-ul \uf0ca",
"list-ol \uf0cb",
"strikethrough \uf0cc",
"underline \uf0cd",
"table \uf0ce",
"magic \uf0d0",
"truck \uf0d1",
"pinterest \uf0d2",
"pinterest-square \uf0d3",
"google-plus-square \uf0d4",
"google-plus \uf0d5",
"money \uf0d6",
"caret-down \uf0d7",
"caret-up \uf0d8",
"caret-left \uf0d9",
"caret-right \uf0da",
"columns \uf0db",
"sort \uf0dc",
"sort-asc \uf0dd",
"sort-desc \uf0de",
"envelope \uf0e0",
"linkedin \uf0e1",
"undo \uf0e2",
"gavel \uf0e3",
"tachometer \uf0e4",
"comment-o \uf0e5",
"comments-o \uf0e6",
"bolt \uf0e7",
"sitemap \uf0e8",
"umbrella \uf0e9",
"clipboard \uf0ea",
"lightbulb-o \uf0eb",
"exchange \uf0ec",
"cloud-download \uf0ed",
"cloud-upload \uf0ee",
"user-md \uf0f0",
"stethoscope \uf0f1",
"suitcase \uf0f2",
"bell-o \uf0a2",
"coffee \uf0f4",
"cutlery \uf0f5",
"file-text-o \uf0f6",
"building-o \uf0f7",
"hospital-o \uf0f8",
"ambulance \uf0f9",
"medkit \uf0fa",
"fighter-jet \uf0fb",
"beer \uf0fc",
"h-square \uf0fd",
"plus-square \uf0fe",
"angle-double-left \uf100",
"angle-double-right \uf101",
"angle-double-up \uf102",
"angle-double-down \uf103",
"angle-left \uf104",
"angle-right \uf105",
"angle-up \uf106",
"angle-down \uf107",
"desktop \uf108",
"laptop \uf109",
"tablet \uf10a",
"mobile \uf10b",
"circle-o \uf10c",
"quote-left \uf10d",
"quote-right \uf10e",
"spinner \uf110",
"circle \uf111",
"reply \uf112",
"github-alt \uf113",
"folder-o \uf114",
"folder-open-o \uf115",
"smile-o \uf118",
"frown-o \uf119",
"meh-o \uf11a",
"gamepad \uf11b",
"keyboard-o \uf11c",
"flag-o \uf11d",
"flag-checkered \uf11e",
"terminal \uf120",
"code \uf121",
"reply-all \uf122",
"mail-reply-all \uf122",
"star-half-o \uf123",
"location-arrow \uf124",
"crop \uf125",
"code-fork \uf126",
"chain-broken \uf127",
"question \uf128",
"info \uf129",
"exclamation \uf12a",
"superscript \uf12b",
"subscript \uf12c",
"eraser \uf12d",
"puzzle-piece \uf12e",
"microphone \uf130",
"microphone-slash \uf131",
"shield \uf132",
"calendar-o \uf133",
"fire-extinguisher \uf134",
"rocket \uf135",
"maxcdn \uf136",
"chevron-circle-left \uf137",
"chevron-circle-right \uf138",
"chevron-circle-up \uf139",
"chevron-circle-down \uf13a",
"html5 \uf13b",
"css3 \uf13c",
"anchor \uf13d",
"unlock-alt \uf13e",
"bullseye \uf140",
"ellipsis-h \uf141",
"ellipsis-v \uf142",
"rss-square \uf143",
"play-circle \uf144",
"ticket \uf145",
"minus-square \uf146",
"minus-square-o \uf147",
"level-up \uf148",
"level-down \uf149",
"check-square \uf14a",
"pencil-square \uf14b",
"external-link-square \uf14c",
"share-square \uf14d",
"compass \uf14e",
"caret-square-o-down \uf150",
"caret-square-o-up \uf151",
"caret-square-o-right \uf152",
"eur \uf153",
"gbp \uf154",
"usd \uf155",
"inr \uf156",
"jpy \uf157",
"rub \uf158",
"krw \uf159",
"btc \uf15a",
"file \uf15b",
"file-text \uf15c",
"sort-alpha-asc \uf15d",
"sort-alpha-desc \uf15e",
"sort-amount-asc \uf160",
"sort-amount-desc \uf161",
"sort-numeric-asc \uf162",
"sort-numeric-desc \uf163",
"thumbs-up \uf164",
"thumbs-down \uf165",
"youtube-square \uf166",
"youtube \uf167",
"xing \uf168",
"xing-square \uf169",
"youtube-play \uf16a",
"dropbox \uf16b",
"stack-overflow \uf16c",
"instagram \uf16d",
"flickr \uf16e",
"adn \uf170",
"bitbucket \uf171",
"bitbucket-square \uf172",
"tumblr \uf173",
"tumblr-square \uf174",
"long-arrow-down \uf175",
"long-arrow-up \uf176",
"long-arrow-left \uf177",
"long-arrow-right \uf178",
"apple \uf179",
"windows \uf17a",
"android \uf17b",
"linux \uf17c",
"dribbble \uf17d",
"skype \uf17e",
"foursquare \uf180",
"trello \uf181",
"female \uf182",
"male \uf183",
"gittip \uf184",
"sun-o \uf185",
"moon-o \uf186",
"archive \uf187",
"bug \uf188",
"vk \uf189",
"weibo \uf18a",
"renren \uf18b",
"pagelines \uf18c",
"stack-exchange \uf18d",
"arrow-circle-o-right \uf18e",
"arrow-circle-o-left \uf190",
"caret-square-o-left \uf191",
"dot-circle-o \uf192",
"wheelchair \uf193",
"vimeo-square \uf194",
"try \uf195",
"plus-square-o \uf196"

doc = app.activeDocument;
for ( var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ ){
    var data = arr[i].split(" ")
    var layer = doc.artLayers.add();
    layer.kind = LayerKind.TEXT;
    layer.textItem.contents = data[1];
    layer.textItem.font = FONT;
    layer.textItem.size = SIZE;

function makeCustomShape(name){
// recorded with script listener will make currently active path a custiom shape 
// with a specified name
    var idMk = charIDToTypeID( "Mk  " );
        var desc29 = new ActionDescriptor();
        var idnull = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
            var ref13 = new ActionReference();
            var idcustomShape = stringIDToTypeID( "customShape" );
            ref13.putClass( idcustomShape );
        desc29.putReference( idnull, ref13 );
        var idUsng = charIDToTypeID( "Usng" );
            var ref14 = new ActionReference();
            var idPrpr = charIDToTypeID( "Prpr" );
            var idfsel = charIDToTypeID( "fsel" );
            ref14.putProperty( idPrpr, idfsel );
            var idDcmn = charIDToTypeID( "Dcmn" );
            var idOrdn = charIDToTypeID( "Ordn" );
            var idTrgt = charIDToTypeID( "Trgt" );
            ref14.putEnumerated( idDcmn, idOrdn, idTrgt );
        desc29.putReference( idUsng, ref14 );
        var idNm = charIDToTypeID( "Nm  " );
        desc29.putString( idNm, name );
    executeAction( idMk, desc29, DialogModes.NO );

¡Esto es casi lo que estaba buscando! Pero FontAwesome utiliza caracteres únicos para cada icono, no letras como "A, B ...". ¿Cómo puedo escribirlo en este script?
Ferdi Çıldız

@ FerdiÇıldız Agregué un script modificado que hace todo el trabajo sucio (porque era fácil, los caracteres unicode se pueden hacer con \ uCODE). Scalped los nombres y códigos de la hoja de trucos (por lo que la biblioteca es agradable y ordenada). Toma un tiempo procesarlo, así que tómate un descanso, recuerda guardar una vez que hayas terminado. Compre a alguien un poco de cerveza gratis.

¡Increíble! ¡Esto es un trabajo perfecto! Gracias joojaa!
Ferdi Çıldız

Lo convertí en un archivo .csh, si lo desea puede descargarlo desde aquí: dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8060862/fontawesome.csh
Ferdi Çıldız


Aparte de instalar la fuente de escritorio Font Awesome, y usar la Cheatsheet Font Awesome ( http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/cheatsheet/ ), no existe un método de trabajo convencional para convertirlo directamente a un archivo .csh.

Lo máximo que puede hacer es convertir manualmente los iconos usando el método Capa -> Tipo -> Convertir a forma.

Conozco este método pero hay muchos íconos, tomará mucho tiempo.
Ferdi Çıldız

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