El siguiente script de Python (que requiere ArcGIS 10.1 o posterior) utiliza arcpy.da
para tomar un archivo de forma como entrada y crear una hoja de cálculo con una entrada para cada vértice en cada polígono presente en el .shp (y creo que funciona con licencias de arco bajo de nivel inferior) . Los ID de objeto y secuencia vinculan los puntos a una posición específica en un polígono específico.
H / t a @PaulSmith en esta publicación: Obtenga todos los puntos de una polilínea para resaltar la explode_to_points
opción en la arcpy.da.FeatureClassToNumPyArray
import os
import csv
import arcpy
from os import path
from arcpy import da
from arcpy import env
env.overwriteOutput = True
env.workspace = '/folder/containing/your/shp/here'
polygon_shp = path.join(env.workspace, 'your_shapefile_name.shp')
vertex_csv_path = 'your/csv/path/here/poly_vertex.csv'
def getPolygonCoordinates(fc):
"""For each polygon geometry in a shapefile get the sequence number and
and coordinates of each vertex and tie it to the OID of its corresponding
vtx_dict = {}
s_fields = ['OID@', 'Shape@XY']
pt_array = da.FeatureClassToNumPyArray(polygon_shp, s_fields,
for oid, xy in pt_array:
xy_tup = tuple(xy)
if oid not in vtx_dict:
vtx_dict[oid] = [xy_tup]
# this clause ensures that the first/last point which is listed
# twice only appears in the list once
elif xy_tup not in vtx_dict[oid]:
vtx_sheet = []
for oid, vtx_list in vtx_dict.iteritems():
for i, vtx in enumerate(vtx_list):
vtx_sheet.append((oid, i, vtx[0], vtx[1]))
def writeVerticesToCsv(vtx_sheet):
"""Write polygon vertex information to csv"""
header = (
'oid', 'sequence_id',
'x_coordinate', 'y_coordinate')
with open(vertex_csv_path, 'wb') as vtx_csv:
vtx_writer = csv.writer(vtx_csv)
for row in vtx_sheet:
También escribí un script que aborda específicamente los requisitos de: Insertar coordenadas de vértices en el polígono que está marcado como duplicado a esta pregunta, ese código está a continuación:
import os
import arcpy
from os import path
from arcpy import da
from arcpy import env
from arcpy import management
env.overwriteOutput = True
env.workspace = '/folder/containing/your/shp/here'
polygon_shp = path.join(env.workspace, 'your_shapefile_name.shp')
file_gdb = 'your/file/gdb/path/here/temp.gdb'
def addVerticesAsAttributes(fc):
"""Add the x,y coordinates of vertices as attributes to corresponding
features. The coordinates will be in the order the appear in the geometry"""
polygon_copy = createGdbFcCopy(fc)
vtx_dict = {}
s_fields = ['OID@', 'Shape@XY']
pt_array = da.FeatureClassToNumPyArray(polygon_copy, s_fields,
for oid, xy in pt_array:
xy_tup = tuple(xy)
if oid not in vtx_dict:
vtx_dict[oid] = [xy_tup]
# this clause ensures that the first/last point which is listed
# twice only appears in the list once
elif xy_tup not in vtx_dict[oid]:
# find that largest number of points that exist within a polygon to determine
# the number of fields that need to be added to the shapefile
max_vertices = 0
for vtx_list in vtx_dict.values():
if len(vtx_list) > max_vertices:
max_vertices = len(vtx_list)
xy_fields = addXyFields(polygon_copy, max_vertices)
u_fields = ['OID@'] + xy_fields
with da.UpdateCursor(polygon_copy, u_fields) as cursor:
oid_ix = cursor.fields.index('OID@')
for row in cursor:
xy_ix = oid_ix + 1
for vtx in vtx_dict[row[oid_ix]]:
for coord in vtx:
row[xy_ix] = coord
xy_ix += 1
def createGdbFcCopy(fc):
"""Create copy of the input shapefile as a file geodatabase feature class,
because a huge number of fields may be added to the fc this preferable to shp"""
if not arcpy.Exists(file_gdb):
polygon_copy = path.join(file_gdb, 'polygon_shp_copy')
management.CopyFeatures(polygon_shp, polygon_copy)
return polygon_copy
def addXyFields(fc, vtx_count):
"""Add fields to the feature class that will hold the x, y coordinates for each
vertex, the number of fields is twice the number of most vertices in any polygon"""
field_list = []
f_type = 'DOUBLE'
for i in range(1, vtx_count+1):
f_names = ['x{0}'.format(i), 'y{0}'.format(i)]
for fn in f_names:
management.AddField(fc, fn, f_type)
return field_list