Python GDAL: guarde la matriz como ráster con proyección desde otro archivo


Tengo una matriz de datos, y para cada punto de datos sé la latitud y la longitud. Me gustaría guardarlo como un GTiff con la misma proyección que otros rásters que tengo. Esto es lo que he intentado hasta ahora, pero no tuve suerte.

import numpy as np
import gdal
from gdalconst import *
from osgeo import osr

def GetGeoInfo(FileName):
    SourceDS = gdal.Open(FileName, GA_ReadOnly)
    GeoT = SourceDS.GetGeoTransform()
    Projection = osr.SpatialReference()
return GeoT, Projection

def CreateGeoTiff(Name, Array, driver, 
                  xsize, ysize, GeoT, Projection):
    DataType = gdal.GDT_Float32
    NewFileName = Name+'.tif'
    # Set up the dataset
    DataSet = driver.Create( NewFileName, xsize, ysize, 1, DataType )
            # the '1' is for band 1.
    DataSet.SetProjection( Projection.ExportToWkt() )
    # Write the array
    DataSet.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray( Array )
    return NewFileName

def ReprojectCoords(x, y,src_srs,tgt_srs):
    transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation( src_srs, tgt_srs)
    x,y,z = transform.TransformPoint(x, y)
    return x, y

# Some Data
Data = np.random.rand(5,6)
Lats = np.array([-5.5, -5.0, -4.5, -4.0, -3.5])
Lons = np.array([135.0, 135.5, 136.0, 136.5, 137.0, 137.5])

# A raster file that exists in the same approximate aregion.
RASTER_FN = 'some_raster.tif'

# Open the raster file and get the projection, that's the
# projection I'd like my new raster to have, it's 'projected',
# i.e. x, y values are numbers of pixels.
GeoT, TargetProjection, DataType = GetGeoInfo(RASTER_FN)
# Meanwhile my raster is currently in geographic coordinates.
SourceProjection = TargetProjection.CloneGeogCS()

# Get the corner coordinates of my array
LatSize, LonSize = len(Lats), len(Lons)
LatLow, LatHigh = Lats[0], Lats[-1]
LonLow, LonHigh = Lons[0], Lons[-1]
# Reproject the corner coordinates from geographic
# to projected...
TopLeft = ReprojectCoords(LonLow, LatHigh, SourceProjection, TargetProjection)
BottomLeft = ReprojectCoords(LonLow, LatLow, SourceProjection, TargetProjection)
TopRight = ReprojectCoords(LonHigh, LatHigh, SourceProjection, TargetProjection)
# And define my Geotransform
GeoTNew = [TopLeft[0],  (TopLeft[0]-TopRight[0])/(LonSize-1), 0,
           TopLeft[1], 0, (TopLeft[1]-BottomLeft[1])/(LatSize-1)]

# I want a GTiff
driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff')
# Create the new file...
NewFileName = CreateGeoTiff('Output', Data, driver, LatSize, LonSize, GeoTNew, TargetProjection)

Pero esto da como resultado el siguiente mensaje de error:

File "", line 25, in CreateGeoTiff
  DataSet.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray( Array )
File "/Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/Versions/1.9/Python/2.7/site packages/osgeo/", line 1082, in WriteArray
  return gdalnumeric.BandWriteArray( self, array, xoff, yoff )
File "/Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/Versions/1.9/Python/2.7/site packages/osgeo/", line 256, in BandWriteArray
  raise ValueError("array larger than output file, or offset off edge")
ValueError: array larger than output file, or offset off edge



Eddy, prueba un enfoque diferente para escribir la matriz como un ráster. El siguiente código funciona para mí, y para su caso, solo necesitaría cambiar la coordenada de la esquina, el tamaño de píxel y la cantidad de píxeles para los valores reproyectados, como lo hizo en su código. Entonces, la primera parte sería reemplazada por algunos de sus procedimientos.

from osgeo import gdal

def array_to_raster(array):
    """Array > Raster
    Save a raster from a C order array.

    :param array: ndarray
    dst_filename = '/a_file/name.tiff'

    # You need to get those values like you did.
    x_pixels = 16  # number of pixels in x
    y_pixels = 16  # number of pixels in y
    PIXEL_SIZE = 3  # size of the pixel...        
    x_min = 553648  
    y_max = 7784555  # x_min & y_max are like the "top left" corner.
    wkt_projection = 'a projection in wkt that you got from other file'

    driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff')

    dataset = driver.Create(
        gdal.GDT_Float32, )

        x_min,    # 0
        PIXEL_SIZE,  # 1
        0,                      # 2
        y_max,    # 3
        0,                      # 4

    dataset.FlushCache()  # Write to disk.
    return dataset, dataset.GetRasterBand(1)  #If you need to return, remenber to return  also the dataset because the band don`t live without dataset.

Muchas gracias. ¡Lo he adaptado y funciona de maravilla!
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