Las respuestas proporcionadas por otros son un poco más elegantes, pero aquí hay un poco de Python ultra simple, un tanto no pitónico que proporciona lo básico. La función toma dos pares de coordenadas y un número de segmentos especificado por el usuario. Produce un conjunto de puntos intermedios a lo largo de un gran camino circular. Salida: texto listo para escribir como KML. Advertencias: El código no considera antípodas, y asume una tierra esférica.
Código de Alan Glennon Julio de 2010 (el autor coloca este código en el dominio público. Utilícelo bajo su propio riesgo).
def tweensegs (longitud1, latitud1, longitud2, latitud2, número_de_segmentos):
import math
ptlon1 = longitude1
ptlat1 = latitude1
ptlon2 = longitude2
ptlat2 = latitude2
numberofsegments = num_of_segments
onelessthansegments = numberofsegments - 1
fractionalincrement = (1.0/onelessthansegments)
ptlon1_radians = math.radians(ptlon1)
ptlat1_radians = math.radians(ptlat1)
ptlon2_radians = math.radians(ptlon2)
ptlat2_radians = math.radians(ptlat2)
distance_radians=2*math.asin(math.sqrt(math.pow((math.sin((ptlat1_radians-ptlat2_radians)/2)),2) + math.cos(ptlat1_radians)*math.cos(ptlat2_radians)*math.pow((math.sin((ptlon1_radians-ptlon2_radians)/2)),2)))
# 6371.009 represents the mean radius of the earth
# shortest path distance
distance_km = 6371.009 * distance_radians
mylats = []
mylons = []
# write the starting coordinates
mylats[0] = ptlat1
mylons[0] = ptlon1
f = fractionalincrement
icounter = 1
while (icounter < onelessthansegments):
icountmin1 = icounter - 1
# f is expressed as a fraction along the route from point 1 to point 2
x = A*math.cos(ptlat1_radians)*math.cos(ptlon1_radians) + B*math.cos(ptlat2_radians)*math.cos(ptlon2_radians)
y = A*math.cos(ptlat1_radians)*math.sin(ptlon1_radians) + B*math.cos(ptlat2_radians)*math.sin(ptlon2_radians)
z = A*math.sin(ptlat1_radians) + B*math.sin(ptlat2_radians)
newlat_degrees = math.degrees(newlat)
newlon_degrees = math.degrees(newlon)
mylats[icounter] = newlat_degrees
mylons[icounter] = newlon_degrees
icounter += 1
f = f + fractionalincrement
# write the ending coordinates
mylats[onelessthansegments] = ptlat2
mylons[onelessthansegments] = ptlon2
# Now, the array mylats[] and mylons[] have the coordinate pairs for intermediate points along the geodesic
# My mylat[0],mylat[0] and mylat[num_of_segments-1],mylat[num_of_segments-1] are the geodesic end points
# write a kml of the results
zipcounter = 0
kmlheader = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><kml xmlns=\"\"><Document><name>LineString.kml</name><open>1</open><Placemark><name>unextruded</name><LineString><extrude>1</extrude><tessellate>1</tessellate><coordinates>"
print kmlheader
while (zipcounter < numberofsegments):
outputstuff = repr(mylons[zipcounter]) + "," + repr(mylats[zipcounter]) + ",0 "
print outputstuff
zipcounter += 1
kmlfooter = "</coordinates></LineString></Placemark></Document></kml>"
print kmlfooter