Puedes usar drush para hacer esto:
$ drush help | grep watchdog
watchdog-delete Delete watchdog messages.
watchdog-list Show available message types and severity levels. A
(wd-list) prompt will ask for a choice to show watchdog messages.
watchdog-show Show watchdog messages.
drush watchdog-show
tiene demasiadas opciones para mostrar completamente aquí, pero estos son los ejemplos:
drush watchdog-show Show a listing of most recent 10
drush watchdog-show 64 Show in detail message with id 64.
drush watchdog-show "cron run succesful" Show a listing of most recent 10
messages containing the string "cron
run succesful".
drush watchdog-show --count=46 Show a listing of most recent 46
drush watchdog-show --severity=notice Show a listing of most recent 10
messages with a severity of notice.
drush watchdog-show --type=php Show a listing of most recent 10
messages of type php.
drush watchdog-show --tail --full Show a listing of most recent 10
messages with extended information
about each one and continue showing
messages as they are registered in
the watchdog.
drush watchdog-show --tail Do a tail of the watchdog with a
--sleep-delay=2 delay of two seconds between each
poll to the database.