o=49;for n=2:1e7 a=num2str(n);if all([diff(sort(a)) a~=48 ~mod(n,a-48)]) o=[o ',' a];end;end;disp(o)
And in a more readable format:
o=49; %1 is always in there, so add the ASCII value. This prevents there being a ',' prefixed.
for n=2:1e7
if (all([diff(sort(a)) a~=48 ~mod(n,a-48)]))
o=[o ',' a];
Basically this counts through every number between 1 and 1×107 and checks if they are a Monday number. Each number is converted to a string so that the digits can be dealt with individually.
The checks are as follows:
First check if there are any duplicates. By sorting the array, if the difference between any consecutive digits is zero, then there are duplicates
Check if there are any zeros. The ASCII for 0 is 48, so we check that all digits are not equal to that.
Check if it is divisible by all its digits. We check that the remainder when dividing by each digit (converted from ASCII to decimal, hence -48) is zero.
Finally we make sure that all()
the checks are true, and if so we append it to a comma separated output string.
MATLAB has no STDOUT, so instead I print the result string at the end using disp()
This code is SLOW! I am still running it to make sure that it correctly finds all the Monday numbers, but looks good so far.
Code finished running. It prints the following:
Which if you run this code with that as the input:
nums = length(strsplit(stdout,','))
Yeilds 548.