Dado es un tablero de tamaño variable con un tamaño máximo de 5 veces 5 campos. Cada campo puede llenarse con una 'x'. Si no se llena con una 'x', se llena con una 'o'.
Se da el estado inicial de cada tablero (ver más abajo). Con cada tablero, se deben jugar 10 rondas (como máximo, condiciones: ver más abajo) y se debe observar la evolución de la x.
Una ronda funciona de la siguiente manera:
- cada 'x' se extiende a campos que bordean ortogonalmente, pero desaparece
- cada vez que dos 'x' están en un campo, se neutralizan entre sí
La evolución de todas las 'x' en cada ronda tiene que suceder simultáneamente. Ejemplo:
o o o o x o
o x o -> x o x
o o o o x o
Con cada ronda de evolución, tienes que ver si el tablero se vacía de 'x'. Si no está vacío, podría estar presente un patrón repetitivo. Si este tampoco es el caso, renunciamos al análisis de la evolución. Además, debe imprimir el porcentaje máximo de campos x para cada tablero inicial (redondeado a números enteros).
Los datos de entrada se pueden encontrar aquí (Pastebin). Estos datos contienen 100 estados iniciales. Como ya se mencionó, las tablas varían en tamaño. El número de filas se indica con el número n del 1 al 5, seguido de n filas que contienen solo 'x' y 'o', representan el patrón inicial. Cada fila de un tablero tiene de 1 a 5 campos.
El resultado completo debe imprimirse, una fila impresa para cada tablero inicial en el siguiente formulario:
Round {0-10}: {repetition/empty/giveup}, {0-100} percent maximum-fill
Ejemplo 1:
Input: 2 Starting state: x o x
xox x x
Round 1: x x o
o x
Round 2: x o x
o x
Round 3: o x o
o o
Round 4: x o x -> The pattern repeats:
o x It is the same as in round 2,
therefore we stop. Maximum fill was
in the starting state with four times 'x'
of 5 fields altogether,
so we have 4/5 = 80 %.
Output: Round 4: repetition, 80 percent maximum-fill
Ejemplo 2
Input: 1 Starting state: x x
Round 1: x x -> We already have a repetition, because
the pattern is the same as in the starting
state. The board is always filled 100 %.
Output: Round 1: repetition, 100 percent maximum-fill
Después del octavo día, marcaré la respuesta de trabajo con la menor cantidad de caracteres como el ganador. Además, publicaré la salida correcta para las 100 placas iniciales (entrada).
Puede usar su lenguaje preferido (programación / scripting / lo que sea).
¡Que te diviertas!
PD: Si tiene preguntas, no dude en preguntar.
PPS: con respecto a los creadores originales: para las personas capaces de hablar alemán, la pregunta se tomó de NO HAGA CLIC SI NO DESEA SPOILERS aquí . Dado que el tiempo oficial para completar el desafío ha terminado, quería ver si alguien podría llegar a una solución corta y elegante.
Desafío hecho! Ganador marcado como aceptado. Salida correcta:
Round 10: giveup, 50 percent maximum-fill
Round 5: empty, 66 percent maximum-fill
Round 1: repetition, 100 percent maximum-fill
Round 1: empty, 100 percent maximum-fill
Round 4: repetition, 100 percent maximum-fill
Round 4: repetition, 70 percent maximum-fill
Round 2: repetition, 60 percent maximum-fill
Round 4: empty, 88 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 50 percent maximum-fill
Round 5: repetition, 80 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: repetition, 80 percent maximum-fill
Round 1: empty, 80 percent maximum-fill
Round 3: repetition, 60 percent maximum-fill
Round 4: repetition, 48 percent maximum-fill
Round 9: empty, 41 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 92 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 53 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 66 percent maximum-fill
Round 6: repetition, 50 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 88 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 76 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 68 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 40 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 100 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 71 percent maximum-fill
Round 2: empty, 81 percent maximum-fill
Round 6: repetition, 36 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 61 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 60 percent maximum-fill
Round 4: repetition, 66 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 72 percent maximum-fill
Round 3: empty, 80 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 50 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 83 percent maximum-fill
Round 7: repetition, 37 percent maximum-fill
Round 9: repetition, 85 percent maximum-fill
Round 5: repetition, 40 percent maximum-fill
Round 5: repetition, 60 percent maximum-fill
Round 4: empty, 80 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 60 percent maximum-fill
Round 4: repetition, 46 percent maximum-fill
Round 6: repetition, 42 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 72 percent maximum-fill
Round 4: repetition, 70 percent maximum-fill
Round 4: repetition, 80 percent maximum-fill
Round 6: repetition, 50 percent maximum-fill
Round 4: repetition, 56 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 60 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 54 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 66 percent maximum-fill
Round 2: repetition, 40 percent maximum-fill
Round 2: repetition, 40 percent maximum-fill
Round 6: repetition, 75 percent maximum-fill
Round 7: empty, 85 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 50 percent maximum-fill
Round 6: repetition, 70 percent maximum-fill
Round 2: empty, 66 percent maximum-fill
Round 1: empty, 66 percent maximum-fill
Round 3: empty, 100 percent maximum-fill
Round 3: empty, 66 percent maximum-fill
Round 8: repetition, 42 percent maximum-fill
Round 1: empty, 60 percent maximum-fill
Round 2: repetition, 100 percent maximum-fill
Round 2: repetition, 83 percent maximum-fill
Round 4: repetition, 66 percent maximum-fill
Round 6: repetition, 75 percent maximum-fill
Round 4: empty, 66 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 61 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 56 percent maximum-fill
Round 4: empty, 66 percent maximum-fill
Round 6: repetition, 33 percent maximum-fill
Round 3: empty, 57 percent maximum-fill
Round 3: repetition, 100 percent maximum-fill
Round 6: repetition, 73 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 50 percent maximum-fill
Round 6: repetition, 50 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 73 percent maximum-fill
Round 5: empty, 80 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 61 percent maximum-fill
Round 3: repetition, 53 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 33 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 80 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 63 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 70 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 84 percent maximum-fill
Round 7: repetition, 70 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: repetition, 57 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 55 percent maximum-fill
Round 6: repetition, 36 percent maximum-fill
Round 4: repetition, 75 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 72 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 64 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 84 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 58 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 60 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 53 percent maximum-fill
Round 4: repetition, 40 percent maximum-fill
Round 4: empty, 40 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 50 percent maximum-fill
Round 10: giveup, 68 percent maximum-fill