Regex (ECMAScript), 85 73 71 bytes
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Debido a las limitaciones de la expresión regular ECMAScript, una táctica efectiva es a menudo transformar el paso número uno a la vez mientras se mantiene invariable la propiedad requerida en cada paso. Por ejemplo, para probar un cuadrado perfecto o una potencia de 2, reduzca el número en tamaño mientras mantiene un cuadrado o una potencia de 2 (respectivamente) en cada paso.
Esto es lo que hace esta solución en cada paso:
Cuando estos pasos repetidos no pueden ir más allá, el resultado final será una cadena contigua de 1
bits, que es pesada, e indica que el número original también era pesado, o una potencia de 2, lo que indica que el número original no era pesado.
Y, por supuesto, aunque estos pasos se describen anteriormente en términos de manipulaciones tipográficas en la representación binaria del número, en realidad se implementan como aritmética unaria.
# For these comments, N = the number to the right of the "cursor", a.k.a. "tail",
# and "rightmost" refers to the big-endian binary representation of N.
( # if N is even and not a power of 2:
(?=(x*?)\2(\2{4})+$) # \2 = smallest divisor of N/2 such that the quotient is
# odd and greater than 1; as such, it is guaranteed to be
# the largest power of 2 that divides N/2, iff N is not
# itself a power of 2 (using "+" instead of "*" is what
# prevents a match if N is a power of 2).
\2 # N = N - \2. This changes the rightmost "10" to a "01".
| # else (N is odd or a power of 2)
(?=(x*?)(\4\4xx)*$) # \4+1 = smallest divisor of N+1 such that the quotient is
# odd; as such, \4+1 is guaranteed to be the largest power
# of 2 that divides N+1. So, iff N is even, \4 will be 0.
# Another way of saying this: \4 = the string of
# contiguous 1 bits from the rightmost part of N.
# \5 = (\4+1) * 2 iff N+1 is not a power of 2, else
# \5 = unset (NPCG) (iff N+1 is a power of 2), but since
# N==\4 iff this is the case, the loop will exit
# immediately anyway, so an unset \5 will never be used.
\4 # N = N - \4. If N==\4 before this, it was all 1 bits and
# therefore heavy, so the loop will exit and match. This
# would work as "\4$", and leaving out the "$" is a golf
# optimization. It still works without the "$" because if
# N is no longer heavy after having \4 subtracted from it,
# this will eventually result in a non-match which will
# then backtrack to a point where N was still heavy, at
# which point the following alternative will be tried.
# N = (N + \4 - 2) / 4. This removes the rightmost "01". As such, it removes
# an equal number of 0 bits and 1 bits (one of each) and the heaviness of N
# is invariant before and after. This fails to match if N is a power of 2,
# and in fact causes the loop to reach a dead end in that case.
\5 # N = N - (\4+1)*2
(x*)\7\7(?=\4\7$) # N = (N - \4) / 4 + \4
\B # Assert N > 0 (this would be the same as asserting N > 2
# before the above N = (N + \4 - 2) / 4 operation).
$ # This can only be a match if the loop was exited due to N==\4.