Sé que esta es una publicación bastante antigua, pero acabo de encontrarla en Google mientras buscaba algo similar (principalmente solo queriendo enumerar las fuentes activas a través de la Terminal). Terminé recordando que las fuentes activadas se enumeran en la Información del sistema que puede ser extraído del comando system_profiler. Dicho esto, aquí está el comando para extraer información de la fuente de system_profiler:
system_profiler SPFontsDataType
Eso es. Debería devolver una gran lista de datos de fuentes en el formato de:
Arial Narrow.ttf:
Kind: TrueType
Valid: Yes
Enabled: Yes
Location: /Library/Fonts/Arial Narrow.ttf
Full Name: Arial Narrow
Family: Arial Narrow
Style: Regular
Version: Version 2.38.1x
Vendor: The Monotype Corporation
Unique Name: Arial Narrow Regular : 2007
Designer: Robin Nicholas, Patricia Saunders
Copyright: © 2007 The Monotype Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Trademark: Arial is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Description: Monotype Drawing Office 1982. A contemporary sans serif design, Arial contains more humanist characteristics than many of its predecessors and as such is more in tune with the mood of the last decades of the twentieth century. The overall treatment of curves is softer and fuller than in most industrial-style sans serif faces. Terminal strokes are cut on the diagonal which helps to give the face a less mechanical appearance. Arial is an extremely versatile family of typefaces which can be used with equal success for text setting in reports, presentations, magazines etc, and for display use in newspapers, advertising and promotions.
Outline: Yes
Valid: Yes
Enabled: Yes
Duplicate: No
Copy Protected: No
Embeddable: Yes
que deberías poder manipular y manipular como quieras.